erreur 10044 courrier sortant avast

bonjour a tous,

voici le probleme que je rencontre: a chaque fois qu’Avast se lance au demarrage, il me sort une erreur dont je ne trouve pas la source; voici le message qui apparait “avast! ne peut pas proteger le courrier sortant (protocole SMTP) erreur 10044”.

Quelqu’un connait il la solution a ce probleme?

merci d’avance :wink:

Well… it should be an English-only forum…
Could you please, go to an automated translation service, copy & paste your text and get, at least, an automated translation of your writings?

Problems with being unable to protect outgoing email (or incoming email) generally indicate that some other process is preventing avast from setting its tranparent email intercepts.

This is usually caused by the incomplete removal of an earlier antivirus product but could also be caused by certain network acceleration products too.

What antivirus did you use before avast? How did you remove it?