Je voulais installer la nouvelle version d’avast sur mon nouvel ordinateur qui possédait déjà un anti virus payant ( Mac Afee ) . Je l’ai donc désinstallé ( cela à pris bcp de temps …) et j’ai tenté d’installer Avast . Mais il m’affiche ‘’ il y a une erreur lors du processus d’installation’’ . Je clique donc sur ‘’ voir le journal’’ et là …

“” 17:04:20Infoinstcont[2728,972]–

17:04:20Infoinstcont[2728,972]2014/11/05 17:04:20 START: Avast installer/updater

17:04:20Infoinstup[2728,972]Command: '“C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\instup.exe” /edition:1 /prod:ais /sfx:lite /sfxstorage:C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\ ’

17:04:20Infoinstup[2728,972]CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N2830 @ 2.16GHz,2

17:04:20Infoinstup[2728,972]OS: Windows 8.1 x64

17:04:20Infoinstup[2728,972]Memory: 68% load. Phys:614552/1976512K free, Page:3225948/4194303K free, Virt:4106412/4194176K free

17:04:20Infoinstup[2728,972]DISKs: C:\ - 219GB free / 256GB total

17:04:20Infoinstup[2728,972]DISKs: D:\ - 22GB free / 24GB total

17:04:20Infoinstup[2728,972]Running module version: instup.exe - ‘10.0.2206.692’

17:04:20Infoinstup[2728,972]Running module version: Instup.dll - ‘10.0.2206.692’

17:04:20Infosimutex[2728,972]Checking for the mutex ownership.

17:04:20Infosimutex[2728,972]The mutex is signaled. We are owners of the mutex.

17:04:22Infoguiwizard[2728,972]Running module version: HTMLayout.dll - ‘’

17:04:22Infoguiwizard[2728,972]Loaded module version: C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\HTMLayout.dll - ‘’

17:04:22Infoguiwizard[2728,972]Setup gui was successfully started.

17:04:22Infoinstupcore[2728,972]Setup update has started.

17:04:22Infoservers[2728,972]Server definition(s) loaded for ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\servers.def’: 29 (maintenance:0)

17:04:22Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download x1241929 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:23Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\servers.def.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 1

17:04:23Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download x1241929 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:25Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\servers.def.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 2

17:04:25Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download d0874672 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:27Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\servers.def.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 3

17:04:27Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download m2724285 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:29Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\servers.def.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 4

17:04:29Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download g8873876 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:31Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\servers.def.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 5

17:04:31Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download v4142311 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:33Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\servers.def.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 6

17:04:33Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download x1241929 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:35Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\servers.def.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 7

17:04:35Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download l9690884 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:37Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\servers.def.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 8

17:04:37Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download x2915826 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:39Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\servers.def.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 9

17:04:39Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download x1241929 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:41Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\servers.def.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 10

17:04:41Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download x1241929 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:43Errorpkgengine[2728,972]DownloadPackage(download): ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\servers.def.vpx’, ip:, has failed with code: 40961 (0x0000A001) [Invalid signature]

17:04:43Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download z3921204 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:43Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\prod-ais.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 1

17:04:43Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download g2297376 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:46Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\prod-ais.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 2

17:04:46Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download b9249545 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:48Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\prod-ais.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 3

17:04:48Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download b2006247 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:50Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\prod-ais.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 4

17:04:50Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download f5845763 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:52Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\prod-ais.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 5

17:04:52Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download v4142311 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:54Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\prod-ais.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 6

17:04:54Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download c8884169 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:56Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\prod-ais.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 7

17:04:56Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download x2915826 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:04:58Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\prod-ais.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 8

17:04:58Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download d0874672 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:05:00Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\prod-ais.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 9

17:05:00Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download g5843674 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:05:02Errordldwrap[2728,972]GetFileWithRetry: file ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\prod-ais.vpx’ has been downloaded but it has invalid signature. Next try: 10

17:05:02Infoservers[2728,972]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download j5108348 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.

17:05:04Errorpkgengine[2728,972]DownloadPackage(download): ‘C:\Users\GABRIE~1\AppData\Local\\prod-ais.vpx’, ip:, has failed with code: 40961 (0x0000A001) [Invalid signature]

17:05:04Errorpkgengine[2728,972]LoadLatestProdAndParts: download product file ‘prod-ais.vpx’ has failed. Status: 40961 (0x0000A001) [Invalid signature] “”

Evidement , je ne comprends rien ! pourriez-vous m’aider ? :slight_smile:
Merci d’avance,


vous avez fait avec le site d’utilité ou via le panneau de contrôle, je vous recommande d’aller à la page du développeur

Télécharger et exécuter l’élimination du produit McAfee Consumer ( MCPR ) de l’outil :

Télécharger l’outil MCPR :
et enregistrer dans un dossier sur votre ordinateur .

IMPORTANT : outil de MCPR est mis à jour périodiquement lorsque de nouveaux produits et mises à jour sont libérés .
Toujours télécharger une nouvelle copie de l’outil MCPR avant de l’utiliser pour désinstaller le produit .

Accédez au dossier où vous avez enregistré le fichier et double-cliquez sur MCPR.exe .
Lorsque vous voyez la boîte de dialogue boîte Contrôle de compte , cliquez sur Oui .
À l’élimination de l’écran du logiciel McAfee , cliquez sur Suivant .
Dans le Contrat de Licence Utilisateur Final ( CLUF ) de la boîte de dialogue , cliquez sur Suivant pour accepter le contrat .
Lorsque vous êtes invité , entrez les informations CAPTCHA , qui sont sensibles à la casse , pour valider la sécurité des applications et cliquez sur Suivant .

:black_medium_small_square: Si vous avez protection de la famille est installée , entrez le nom d’utilisateur et le mot de passe administrateur et cliquez sur Suivant .

:black_medium_small_square: Si vous ne parvenez pas à vous authentifier, suivez les instructions à l’écran pour obtenir un code de désinstallation . Si vous n’avez pas installé la protection de la famille , vous ne recevrez pas cette authentification rapide .