Error 0000A410 has occured while loading the global data storage...

Hi, i’ getting sort of bored…

I installed Avast ADM and really had to figure out a lot of stuff before i had it installed and running, but i never got it to work UNLESS on last attempt where I said no mirror, then, it worked perfectly and i saw what the management console looked like to, very cute for sure…
Discovered my domain and my computers, really neat.
BUT, of course i could’nt create or push any package.
I tried to figure out on this site HOW to get the mirror, saw some sarcastic sentence from one of you guys on this site, and decided ho well, let’s go through the whole stuff again. uninstall, re install, reboot just in case in between, said yes to the mirror (5 hours of my sunday day off at my job), and…
I hate you.
Error 0000A410 has occured while loading the global data storage
same same same old stuff as a mistake, and i saw somebody asking for this, but nobody answered, just my luck.
I run french Windows server 2003, sp1
and a french sql server (it tells me the connection is fine, and there is no conflict of something like this, in the configuration tool).
Help is needed.

Bloue, in PC version, storage problems are related to ODBC or XML storage method.
I’m not sure how ADM version of avast works but you may try to open the \data\avast4.ini file and in the [Common] section, change the item Database=ODBC to Database=XML. This could prevent the Microsoft Jet drivers from accessing the database… does it have any (positive) effect?

Nice from you to answer
unfortunatly, it didn’t help
AMS mainenance still tells me everything is fine
but when launching ADNM console, it kicks me out, with the same message
Unable to log you as… or connection error (that’s about what it writes, i can’t remember the exact sentence)
the event log always reports : Error 0000A410 has occured while loading the global data storage.
What really stucks me is that if i didn’t load the mirrors, it did worked. and i took snapshot of the install so that i was sure to do exactly the same thing.
I asked NOT to log as a domain\my_user_name (left field empty)
i guess i go back to good old mcafee…

Hi Catrine,

please give it a bit more time. :slight_smile:

First, you’re saying you already tried the “AMS Maintenance” tool? Did you try the Check DB button? And it was OK? (I’m talking about the Check DB button, not the Connection button).

Next, if this is OK, go to Administrative Tools → Services, and check the status of the “avast Management Server” service. Is it started? If not, can it be started?


hy guy
i did it already, and the message is the same as in the event log when i try to start it.

If at first you don’t succeed, then skydiving’s not for you.
Skydiving 's not for me, i knew it !


actually, my question is
it’s ok if i must re re re re rere install the whole thing but PLEASE how, then, not to have to wait hours for the mirroring, is there any way to keep the one i have as it tells me

Mirror folder: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Management Tools\mirror\mirror
Mirroring products: av_mgm,av_net,av_srv
Current versions in mirror:
avast! Distributed Network Manager: 4.6.350 (May 25, 2005)
avast! Network Client (managed): 4.6.365 (May 25, 2005)
avast! Server Edition: 4.6.460 (May 25, 2005)
Virus database: 0522-15 (Jun 05, 2005)


17:45:41 nrm/gen scr: Building setup directory done.
17:45:41 nrm/gen scr: Sumarizing…
17:45:43 nrm/gen scr: Setting product ‘av_mgm’ files (91 of 770 set)
17:45:43 nrm/gen scr: Setting product ‘av_net’ files (613 of 770 set)
17:45:43 nrm/gen scr: Setting product ‘av_srv’ files (642 of 770 set)
17:45:43 min/gen Return code: 0x20000000 [Something done]
17:45:43 min/gen Stopped: 05.06.2005, 17:45:43

So i guess it downloaded the good stuff ok

Ho, and it tells me that the check db : AMS connection is compatible
and i connect whith administrator / admin when it kicks me out (but other login does the same)


What doensn’t kill you makes you stronger !

Hmm, can you please run the following program, then once more try to start the “avast Management Server” service, and post what gets dumped to the DbgView’s window?

Thanks again

PS. Skydiving maybe not, but ADNM definitely :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

and i connect whith administrator / admin when it kicks me out (but other login does the same)

Now I am confused… So you CAN log on with administrator/admin? Or you’re just saying that it doesn’t work with ANY username/password pair…?

BTW are you really from that lovely place in North Africa? You have a Swiss e-mail address and speak very good English… :wink: ;D

BTW does it really take HOURS at your place to build the mirror? How are you connected to the Internet…? :o

Hy guy
I now live in tunisia but i went to live in switzerland for 3 or 4 years and kept my email there.

Login doesn’t work and i have the same error message, whatever i try :

I left blank while installing so that it acts as a service.

It did take several hours to download the whole stuff, if everybody works here it took five hours, when i came yesterday i took 2hours and a half

the log starts this way
15:46:13 min/gen Started: 05.06.2005, 15:46:13
15:46:13 min/gen Running mirror_w32-0 (0)
15:46:13 nrm/sys Operating system: Windows2003 ver 5.2, build 3790, sp 1.0 [Service Pack 1] SERVER
15:46:13 vrb/sys Computer WinName: computer_name
15:46:13 min/sys Windows Net User: domain_name\catrine
15:46:13 vrb/gen Operation set to INST_OP_MIRROR_MIRROR
15:46:13 min/gen scr: mirror begin…
15:46:13 nrm/int SYNCER: Type: 0
15:46:13 nrm/int SYNCER: Auth: 0
15:46:13 min/gen GUID: 860611db-3f31-4c54-8b23-blabla
15:46:13 nrm/gen scr: Mirroring.

I saw those two log files too :

05/06/2005 17:47:40 1117986460 SYSTEM 844 Error 0000A410 has occured while loading the global data storage.
05/06/2005 17:48:15 1117986495 SYSTEM 2136 Error 0000A410 has occured while loading the global data storage.
05/06/2005 17:55:58 1117986958 SYSTEM 720 Error 0000A410 has occured while loading the global data storage.
05/06/2005 17:59:50 1117987190 SYSTEM 2716 Error 0000A410 has occured while loading the global data storage.
05/06/2005 18:00:09 1117987209 SYSTEM 4608 Error 0000A410 has occured while loading the global data storage.
05/06/2005 18:00:25 1117987225 SYSTEM 5324 Error 0000A410 has occured while loading the global data storage.
05/06/2005 18:01:27 1117987287 SYSTEM 5464 Error 0000A410 has occured while loading the global data storage.
06/06/2005 07:59:47 1118037587 SYSTEM 5424 Error 0000A410 has occured while loading the global data storage.
06/06/2005 11:45:23 1118051123 SYSTEM 5288 Error 0000A410 has occured while loading the global data storage.
06/06/2005 11:45:33 1118051133 SYSTEM 3976 Error 0000A410 has occured while loading the global data storage.
05/06/2005 17:48:15 1117986495 SYSTEM 2136 Installer

information: Going to create database of avast! on MS SQL server "server", using user “sa”…
05/06/2005 17:48:15 1117986495 SYSTEM 2136 Installer information: Cannot execute command for 0x00000065 resource, error 0x80040E14…
05/06/2005 17:48:15 1117986495 SYSTEM 2136 Installer information: Cannot create database, error 0x0000A410…
05/06/2005 17:55:38 1117986938 SYSTEM 720 Installer information: *: Going to check connection to MS SQL Server "server", using user “sa”…
05/06/2005 17:55:56 1117986956 SYSTEM 720 Installer information: Cannot initialize data source, error 0x80004005…
05/06/2005 17:55:56 1117986956 SYSTEM 720 Installer information: Going to create database of avast! on MS SQL server "server", using user “sa”…
05/06/2005 17:55:58 1117986958 SYSTEM 720 Installer information: Cannot execute command for 0x00000065 resource, error 0x80040E14…
05/06/2005 17:55:58 1117986958 SYSTEM 720 Installer information: Cannot create database, error 0x0000A410…
05/06/2005 17:59:49 1117987189 SYSTEM 2716 Installer information: *: Going to check connection to MS SQL Server "server", using user “sa”…
05/06/2005 17:59:50 1117987190 SYSTEM 2716 Installer information: Going to create database of avast! on MS SQL server "server", using user “sa”…
05/06/2005 17:59:50 1117987190 SYSTEM 2716 Installer information: Cannot execute command for 0x00000065 resource, error 0x80040E14…

This is you debugger

[5288] Calling sqlInit()…
[5288] Going to create database…
[5288] *** ERR: cleaning up sqlInit() (err 80004005, thread 1900)…
[5288] sqlPurgeConnectionPool exit: total num = 0
[5288] quiting sqlInit()…
[5288] *sqlInit FAILED!!..
[5288] Setting quit event…
[5288] Destroying server object…
[5288] Freeing low level scheduler…
[5288] Closing quit event…
[3976] Calling sqlInit()…
[3976] Going to create database…
[3976] *** ERR: cleaning up sqlInit() (err 80004005, thread 5456)…
[3976] sqlPurgeConnectionPool exit: total num = 0
[3976] quiting sqlInit()…
[3976] *sqlInit FAILED!!..
[3976] Setting quit event…
[3976] Destroying server object…
[3976] Freeing low level scheduler…
[3976] Closing quit event…



What if you look at the SQL server with Enterprise Manager? Do you see the database “avast” created?

I think the problem is that ADNM was already once installed, then you uninstalled it, but the database remained on the server. And now, on the new install, the server is complaining that it cannot create the database because it already exists.

If I am not mistaken, you have the following line in the [SQL] section of the file \data\avast4.ini


Change that line to


and try to start the service. Will it work this time? If so, log on to the console using the Administrator/admin pair.


I’m thinking of marrying you :-
i’ll begin to sky dive first (some day…) and see what happens…

anyway thanks a lot, the 0 to 1 in the .ini file did the whole difference.


Hi Vlk,
I am having the same problem, I installed and uninstalled ASM and MSDE serveral times.
Now I installed once again the ASM, I am able to start the service, but 3sec after that, the service stops automatically.
I used the debugger you recommended and here’s the trace:
[3888] Calling sqlInit()…
[3888] *** ERR: cleaning up sqlInit() (err 80004005, thread 3552)…
[3888] sqlPurgeConnectionPool exit: total num = 0
[3888] quiting sqlInit()…
[3888] *sqlInit FAILED!!..
[3888] Setting quit event…
[3888] Destroying server object…
[3888] Freeing low level scheduler…
[3888] Closing quit event…

thanks for your help.

Hello, my company is keen on evaluating the avast products and purchasing an avast suite for our internal network. Therefore I downloaded ADNM in order to assess its features and performance. However I bumped in the problems discussed in this thread as well: the 0000A410 error.
For clarification of the situation, the server specs are: Windows 2003 Server SP1 and SQLServer 2000 SP4. I downloaded and installed then ADNM package that doesn’t contain MSDE because we already have SQL server installed. I installed ADNM, waited for the mirror to be completed and then tried to log into AMS. However I cannot login. The things I find relevant for this discussion (as I read in the thread so far) and happen on our server are:

  • unable to log in the AMS
  • AMS service is set on Automatic, however it doesn’t start by itself
  • manually starting the AMS service seem to work fine, no error is prompted, service is reported as started but I still can’t log in
  • the log in screen has no server in the dropdown, upon asking for server detection “dev.localhost.localdomain” appears (dev is the server’s name)
  • in the AMS maintenance tool “Check DB” returns succesfull, testing the SQL connection returns successful, deleting and recreating the DB seems to do no good
  • I am able to see and browse the avast DB using the Enterprise Manager
  • both the error.log file and the Event Viewer report the 0000A410 error as occuring
  • another thread on this issue proposed to install 2 fixes from Microsoft, I only installed the MDAC patch as the other one (Jet patch) was intended for Windows 2000, however no behaviour change was noticed

What else could I try? I am thinking of doing a reinstall but I hope I don’t have to redownload the mirror as it took several hours.
Another question about ADNM: the product description says you shouldn’t get MSDE if you already have SQLServer installed but it says the SQLServer must be a dedicated one. Does this mean that only the avast DB should be in it? We are using that SQLServer to host other project databases as well.
I’d really like us to buy this suite as it sounds very promissing but I would very much like to surpass this problem, otherwise the management won’t be so happy :frowning: