From a Client installation of Avast! Antivirus (managed) I receive this message “Err:The package is broken” when I try to update VPS and program.
I already tryed to uninstall and reinstall but with no result.
I also tryed to use the Repair option from Windows/Control Panel/Uninstall Application.
Why the client seems not to search the updates from the lan server but from
Is the client trying to download updates from internet?
Is there a way to force the updates from ADNM?
The other clients in my lan are working fine.
Last question:
I’m trying the product; when I’ll buy the license I’ll have to import it in every client or only in the ADNM console?
This is the log:
01.12.2006 14:25:54 general: Started: 01.12.2006, 14:25:54
01.12.2006 14:25:54 general: Running setup_av_net-247 (583)
01.12.2006 14:25:54 system: Operating system: Windows2000 ver 5.0, build 2195, sp 4.0 [Service Pack 4]
01.12.2006 14:25:54 system: Computer WinName: [User]
01.12.2006 14:25:54 system: Windows Net User: [Domain][User]
01.12.2006 14:25:54 general: Cmdline: /downloadpkgs /noreboot /updatevps /silent /progress
01.12.2006 14:25:54 general: DldSrc set to inet
01.12.2006 14:25:54 general: Operation set to INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES
01.12.2006 14:25:54 general: Old version: 247 (583)
01.12.2006 14:25:54 general: SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
01.12.2006 14:25:54 system: Computer DnsName: xxxxxx-xxxxxxxx
01.12.2006 14:25:54 system: Computer Ip Addr:
01.12.2006 14:25:54 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
01.12.2006 14:25:54 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
01.12.2006 14:25:54 package: Part prg_av_net-247 is installed
01.12.2006 14:25:54 package: Part vps-63700 is installed
01.12.2006 14:25:54 package: Part news-4a is installed
01.12.2006 14:25:54 package: Part setup_av_net-247 is installed
01.12.2006 14:25:54 general: Old version: 247 (583)
01.12.2006 14:25:57 file: SetExistingFilesBitmap: 934->155->155
01.12.2006 14:25:57 general: GUID: e512db9d-31be-4ee9-96b9-1cd903ba96ee
01.12.2006 14:25:57 general: Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 71 (maintenance:0)
01.12.2006 14:25:57 general: SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download26 AVAST server’ from ‘main’
01.12.2006 14:25:57 package: GetPackages - set proxy for inet
01.12.2006 14:25:57 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
01.12.2006 14:25:57 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
01.12.2006 14:25:57 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32Avast::Do( INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES )
01.12.2006 14:25:57 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32::Do( INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES )
01.12.2006 14:25:57 general: Entered SetupProcess::Do( INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES )
01.12.2006 14:25:57 general: progress thread start
01.12.2006 14:25:57 general: progress start - 1
01.12.2006 14:25:57 general: progress start - 2
01.12.2006 14:25:59 general: Used server:
01.12.2006 14:25:59 package: Download servers.def, servers.def.vpu failed with error 0x20000011.
01.12.2006 14:25:59 general: Used server:
01.12.2006 14:25:59 general: Used server:
01.12.2006 14:25:59 package: Tried to download servers.def but failed with error 0x20000011.
01.12.2006 14:25:59 general: progress end - 1
01.12.2006 14:25:59 general: progress end - 0
01.12.2006 14:25:59 general: progress thread end
01.12.2006 14:25:59 general: Err:The package is broken.
Best regards