error 0xc0000005

Hello, I am Spanish, pardon by the language.

The screensaver from avast had noticed that suddenly did not work and when trying to open the program did not pass anything. When I have reinitiated gives the error me of which the application cannot be opened (0xc0000005). It had installed the Spanish version on the English… I have proven repairing, and reinstalling, as much the Spanish as the English, but gives the same error me. I have winxp pro with 512 megas of ram. thanks for the aid ???

Screen saver problems? See;action=display;threadid=453;start=0

it is not a problem of screensaver (that does not have importance). It was only the first symptom. The case is that I have proven reinstalling everything and does not let open the avast. (fatal exception (0xc0000005).
Now, not to be without protection, I have installed the “Antivir Guard”, but it is that I liked Avast, although are already twice that one spoils! it seems to me very fragile…at least with xpsp1…
Some idea? surely that if it has happened to me to me will then happen to him to others… I did not make any change…it happened suddenly…

I hope that Antivir Guard does not mess your Windows Registry as Norton Antivirus… But, there are posted here in foruns, a lot of answers to edit the Registry.
Your erros is uncommon… I could not simulate it in my computer (XP Pro 256Mb). Is it the SP1 pack?
avast instalation works better without any previous antivirus.
Try to desintall the Antivir Guard and previous versions of avast, set the screensaver to ‘none’ and then install avast again.
If I could help… but it a strange error :cry:

I to am getting this error.
It happens when I try to start Avast4 by clicking the icon on the desktop, or selecting either of the .exe’s in the program menu.

There are is no icon in the taskbar.

There are 2 avast exe files running as shown in task manager.
Neither of the processes can be stopped by task manager,

Durring install I get a warning:

Setup found another AV program. ETC
Norton AV / Internet security.

Do you wish to continue?

I have to select yes 2 times before it goes away.

I have downloaded and run (5 times) RNAV2003.exe.
I have scoured the registry for traces of NAV also.
I have run AVClear4.exe to remove Avast4 many times as well.

There are no programs running during install.
System is running Win2K SP3 on P4 3G with 1G ram.

Attempting install of PRO version.
Is there further information that would help? ???

can you tell me what/where the install file is looking for other AV’s?



Hi Techie, I had read you thread before, and tried most of it.

NAV, has not been installed on this computer for many years.
It was running InoculateIT / eTrust for last 3 years.
That was fully unstalled.
There is 2 Symantec products on the computer.
PCAnywhere and Visual Page. No NAV.



PS. after install , HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet00x\Control\VirtualDeviceDrivers\VDD have nothing next to them.

Recreated the reg keys.

After bootup, there is a icon in taskbar (does not look like any of the icons in Avast dir however. Looks white with a red @ on it?)

Trying to exicute any of the Avast still causes the error 0x00000005

All other applications run ok.


Please get us guys straight…Technical is not me…TECHIE.
Anyway, I read the posts here and feel that the advice although good, is overkill.

If you run Avast with another AV onyour system, you are asking for trouble. Avast does not like it. I recently had some problems with Avast on my W98 machine and traced it to an old old Antivir file that remained in memory!
At this point, you need to get Avast removed…remove all other AVs, then reinstall Avast. Once this is done, we can troubleshoot any problems that come up.


You are having much the same problem as wombat, but in a different form. Go back to square one. Uninstall Avast. Check to see if the system runs normally, then reinstall.
If you can’t uninstall Avast running normal bootup, then try Safe Mode.

Both of YOU: You have definetly suffered file corruption somewhere, and by trying to read all the posts on a simple issue as this got me dizzy. Keep things simple and you will get this fixed.
My advice is STAY OUT OF THE REGISTRY UNLESS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, and only when YOU know what your doing.

I’ll be here.

(Technical is my long lost cousin…I imagine. hahahahha)


Hi Techie101… sorry for getting the tag wrong.


I have NO AV installed whatsoever now.
I have only ever had 1 AV installed at one time.

What would you like me to try now please?




Installing Service Pack4 for Win2k then Avast4 worked

The previous installs competed and rebooted the computer, but after installing the SP4, the install had an area for configuring email!!
This had never come up before.

THanks to Techie101 and Technical for replying to my probelm.



I think techie was useful than I…
Anyway, you´re welcome to the foruns help.
Stay with avast! ;D


I thank you both for replying. I hope the info I included (while long and maybe confusing) will be of help to another.

I aim to stick with Avast AV. I use the BART CD (licenced) in my day to day work, and like the AV, which is why I wanted to have it my machine.
Need to know how to use it ‘right’ before recomending it to my customers. :slight_smile:


Steve in Oz