Error 10013

When OS starts I1ve an pop-up screen that informs not possible scan pop3 messages, imap, smtp, and news ones. I gave it in portuguese, but t’s more or less “Avast will not scan pop3 messages. Error 10013.” But it’s scanning outlook messages. It’s a normal advice cause I’m not connected yet or a “must correct” error?

Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

What is your firewall ?
Strange I know but we have had a very long topic chasing this problem and it turned out to be the firewall.

I’ve received this since last monday. I just have onde AV. And my firewall is netveda. The built-in of windows is de-actived

I just have onde AV.

I haven’t heard of onde AV and a google search doesn’t reveal much relating to an anti-virus.

Unless you meant ‘I just have one AV’ and that is avast ?
If this is correct, the second part of my question in my previous post, did you ever have another anti-virus installed ?
If yes, what was it and how was it removed ?

‘Onde’, in Portuguese, is the same as ‘where’ in English.
I think this is a typo of ilkyest.

I think the problem is Netveda firewall blocking the avast mail scanner (ashMaiSv.exe) or another spam kille application that requires the use of proxy.

Não. Agora tava olhando o sistema. É um problema meio geral. Mas o fato é que o avast tá escaneando. É uma incompatibilidade qualquer e eu não sei onde. Tem a ver com o orbit e o kazaa.

Thanks by answers. Its a general problem. some compatibility issue between net, netveda, k-lite and orbit. Avast is verifying e-mails and another things. This is important. I think I should punch my computer.


Well… if you can’t guide us, pointing exactly what is happening, what is wrong, we won’t be able to help you…