Error 10050

Upon reboot lately I will get a message specifying;

ERROR 10050”

If I click to close the box, another message appears stating the same for inbound mail. Has anyone encountered this before, and if so, how do I repair the error ?


Without more information, it will be hard to comment.

However, I would start by running the Email Wizard again to insure that your email settings have not changed. (Start…Programs…Alwil…)

Also, check the On-Access Protection screen to see if the modules are running (right click A icon in the tray and select OAP on top). The module for MS Outlook will not run unless you have it installed and active. Outlook Express is automatically protected.

What mail client do you have installed?
What version and build of AVAST are you using?
What OS?
Firewall or Proxy filter?
Has Avast worked correctly in the past?
Have you made any new program installs which coincide with the problem?

Hopefully running the Email Wizard will fix the problem, if not, get back to us here at the Forum.


Thanks for the quick response.
I have run the Wizard and it appears that the problem has been resolved because the error message did not reappear, after I rebooted.

Avast version : 4.1.280 Home Edition
OS ; Win 98 SE
Firewall. Zone Alarm
Yes Avast! has worked in the past however I have had problems , especially with updates. The most recent problem was resolved by uninstalling and reinstalling.

I don’t know if this is a coincidence or not but this particular problem appears to have started with the recent update that was done (Oct. 7), I believe at about the same time that I downloaded a new version of Adobe Reader.

I trust this provides you with the info you required from your end. In the meantime, I will advise if the problem persists however as I said it appears that the Wizard has resolved this issue.
Again thanks for your quick response.


Yes, I would have expected that you had problems after the update from build 268 to 270…
We all did. However, the Avast Team put together a fix in build 280 which came out shortly thereafter which took care of the downloading problem.

Glad to hear all is well.

Adobe Reader should not affect Avast or your email settings so I suspect that the download was corrupt on 10/7.

Take Care,
Techie :smiley: