Error 1006 when installing Avast ....

Error 1006 when installing Avast .

Told me to download again. Did it 7 times and still gives me same message. Had it before but it expired.

Cleared cache and tried firefox and IE and both gave same message.


Thank you. Shetawk :cry:

Likely a bad modem, line or networking drivers. Sorry. It would be helpful to tell us the type of internet connection you have.

Where are you downloading from? The official site?

Well the windows error 1006 is "The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid. "

Are you using a download manager to download the file ?

What do you mean by “Had it before but it expired,” you previously had avast and that expired or something else ?

Thank you for your responses.

Have xp, 56 modem.

Downloaded from official site.

Was registered with avast but hadn’t used the laptop for a long time and registration expired. When I tried to renew registration, was told my version was too old and had to download 4.

This is when the trouble began.

No, not using download manager.

After several tries of downloading, I deleted all avast files on my machine and downloaded again. That didn’t help, either.


Did you uninstall the old version of avast first ?

What version of avast did you have ?

Download the avast! Uninstall Utility, find it here and save it to your HDD so you can find it later. I don’t know if this will work with the old version but I don’t know of another one.

First try the add remove programs to remove the old version (if that works, it probably won’t because you detected the avast files) and reboot. If not try running the uninstall utility and reboot, now try the install of the latest version.

Are you downloading avast32 ???
The new version should be downloaded here:

Deleted ???
Do you mean uninstall? Directly deleting the folder of avast won’t uninstall it and will mess your computer.

@ Tech
The old version shetawk refers to was on his old laptop and because it was so old the re-registration and program update obviously wouldn’t work so he had to download the latest version.

Thanks David, now I see…