Just tried to scan a single file on my computer (Win XP Home Edition, Avast 4.1 Home, latest update 0310-2) and Avast answers my request with the followin error message:
Error: During open ATL dialog. Error number: 183
I have been living with that error message for a while now. I have posted a similar topic last week but apparently, nobody has experienced the same problem. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled the entire program a couple of times but that did not help either. Hope someone out there can help. Thanks.
I was getting this same error mesaage except with Error: 2. The problem was being caused by the program WindowBlinds. If you are using WindowBlinds, tell it not to skin the program AshQuick.exe. Hope this helps.
Many thanks for taking the trouble to reply, Streethawk. I appreciate it. No, I am not using WindowBlinds in my case. I am still not sure what is causing this problem. This error message only started to show up about a couple of months ago after the program was being upgraded now and then. Before that, everything was working fine. Anyway, I’m still hopeful that someone can shed some light on the matter.
OK people, I’d need you to do a small experiment for us.
Please download the following file: http://www2.asw.cz/~vlk/ashQuick.exe and place it to the avast folder (first back up the original version of ashQuick.exe to be sure).
Then rerun the test by clicking on a file in the Explorer and selecting Scan.
The program should now display some additional message boxes – I’d need what do the boxes tell you, and in which order.
Nils, thanks for your help.
I have one more question: while there are the ‘In TestWithThread’, ‘1’, ‘2’ and ‘3’ messages, you should see the avast Quick Scanner window below the message boxes - is this the case?
Also, what exactly are you trying to scan? A single file? A directory? Try it with some larger directory (e.g. your Windows directory) so that you don’t miss that dialog (otherwise it may just flash on the screen, too fast to notice…).
Thanks again, your help is very appreciated.
Edit: I’ve also updated the patched ashQuick.exe on the server, so if you could please re-download the file and test it with the new version it would be great (I’ve removed the ‘1’, ‘2’ and ‘3’ messages since we already know the code is getting to that point). Thanks
Many thanks for your help. I have just downloaded the file ashQuick.exe and installed it. Everything seems to work OK now. Thanks again so much. You are a gem!