Error 1920 service failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges


I thought it would be a nice idea to install Grimefighter … it isn’t :frowning:

After running the Grimefighter, I get an error when starting any Microsoft Office 2013 program about not being able to check the license of the product. The error suggests to recover the Office 2013 installation. However, when I try that I get the error: Error 1920 service failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services

No matter what I try from all the instructions I found on the internet, the Windows Font Cache Service does not run anymore. When I start it, it stops immediatly. Now I am not able to delete or recover Office 2013.

Does anybody here knows of this problem and who is able to help me with this? How can I make sure this service is running? I am on Windows 8.1 and I am the administrator of the laptop.


Run GrimeFighter again and undo what it did with that service.

Thanks Eddy for your answer.

However … I did remove and reinstall Avast and because of your answer I reinstalled and rerun Grimefighter. Too bad, Grimefighter does not remember what it did after a reinstallation. So my problem is still the same.


Give this a try:

Thank you Eddy.

I have tried to delete fntcache.dat from the Windows directory but this didn’t solve the problem.

I also tried again to repair Office 2013 but still got error 1920. I now also tried to recover Windows 8 but here there was also a problem with the repair and no changes were made.

I’m open for new soluctions

Did you reboot after deleting the content of that folder ?

How did you tried to recover ?
Got a error ?
If so, what was the error ?

Hi Eddy,

Sorry, I failed to mention that I did reboot after removing the file.

I tried the recover option in Windows itself. After the scandisk the proces tells me that it wasn’t able to recover the system and that no changes are made.

I also tried the recover option of Microsoft Office 2013 through the configuration screen and then I get the 1920 error again.

Thanks for thinking with me.

Next thing to try is to remove office completely
remove it through control panel
cleanup the registry
cleanup leftovers manually
install it again.

Hi Eddy,

Thanks for hanging in :slight_smile:

I just tried once more to remove Office 2013 but nope: I get the 1920 error.

cleanup leftovers manually
cleanup the registry ( CCleaner or Glary Utillities )
install it again.

Hi Eddy,

Now I am in real trouble… I managed with your link to remove Office 2013 and I removed all folders manually. I ran CCcleaner and reinstalled Office 2013 …

You can guess already: error 1920

Try the solution from Ashutosh M

The Office Software Protection Platform is not available on Windows 8.1

I also removed the registry key from font cache, rebooted and replaced it with a clean reg file, but this didn’t work either


Hi Eddy,

I just installed Office 2007 so can go back to work.

Thank you for your efforts to help me.

Have a nice weekend,

Trying to help is just a small thing to do.

Personally I use LibreOffice.
Why paying for MS products while others do the same and are free…

Hi Eddy,

That might be a good idea in the future. I just discovered that LibreOffice also works with Endnote. I always thought Endnote needed Microsoft. So something good came out of this anyway!

Many thanks again.