Error 2 / Error 451 ... Please help

Im wondering why I am getting this?

If I drop my entire Safari folder into the Avast scanner, it works fine. But, if I scan certain files from this, it fails and says Error 2 under warnings, and then at the top in red it says that the scan was stopped due to “Error 451”

This is the URL listed when I click “copy path” on Avast

Yet this is the actual extension of the file that I dropped in

Why is this happening? So to clarify, I drag the history item with the long path listed above, and it says Error 2. Then when I click to copy the path it gives me the much shorter path. And like I said, I can scan the entire Safari folder that contains that extension and get no error. What is going on?

I’m pretty positive the problem is the ‘?’ in the path.