error 3221225488

When I first installed Avast and it rebooted and started its check of my whole computer since I chose that, with several files it kept on showing “error: 3221225488.” What kind of error is this and did it just skip scanning those files?

::)The Always Wondering, Rarely Knowing Dee ::slight_smile:

Wondering how many other people across the internet join forums just to get an answer with a problem instead of joining just to be joining?

I did not find more information about that error… I have numbered error messages >:(

Well, I started like you and now, as you can see, I’m a little bit far from the shore ;D

hex value is 0xC0000010 (STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST, “The specified request is not a valid operation for the target device.”)
You said, some files have this error, could you please cut&paste some lines from boot-log ? In some cases (NtCreateFile), this error should be translated to user-mode like FILE_NOT_FOUND.

I tried to get into the log to copy and paste some of it…it crashed my system and wanted me to sent avast the info on what I was doing when it happened.(?) Beats me. But the log file seems to be empty? I’m sorry but I can’t seem to send it to you I guess. Thank you for trying to help my curiosity though, guys! You’re great!

Lost as usual
::)Dee ::slight_smile: