Error 404 when updating version 4

:frowning: For a while now when trying to up date I only get the error message 404 . Download is stopped. can someone help please? needless to say my computer is not being protected as it should. Do I uninstall and reinstall or is there another solution?
Thank you

Do you mean the browser displays this message?
How were you updating? Manual, automatic, from web site…
Which is your operational system and firewall?

Update is supposed to be automatic, this message box appears everytime I connect to the internet.
Window XP, Firewall??
Thank you

Is this message similar to the pages stored into \English\HtmlData\ ?
Where is the main installation folder and English could be your language.
Error 404 occurs when a webpage is not found (server unavailable).
Which is your startup page?
Can you browse after opening the browser and receiving the error or not, you can’t browse anyway…?