Hi there! I apologize in advance for my lack of general knowledge on the matter and if I wrote this request in the wrong section!
After noticing my laptop freezing much more frequently, I attempted a couple of scans, resulting in avast shutting down by itself a couple of times.
I tried a couple more full scans and boot scans and found a couple of suspected bugs. When attempting to fix/repair/delete/move to chest any of them, I would receive one of the 2 aforementioned errors each time.
They all seem to be in the “Temporary Internet Files” section, but I can’t tell if they’re really bugs, and if so, how to delete files from that folder. A screenshot of the scan results is included in the attachment. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Wow that was quick! Judging from the speed of your reply, I guess my problem is fairly common? Anyways, thanks for the reply, I’ll be trying that ASAP.