Beta build 35889, OS X Lion Server
When first starting Avast, I get
Error Engine Error: Two Unix listeners with the same path. Error Code 451.
When attempting to run a full scan, I get “interrupted with Error 451.”
Any ideas.
Beta build 35889, OS X Lion Server
When first starting Avast, I get
Error Engine Error: Two Unix listeners with the same path. Error Code 451.
When attempting to run a full scan, I get “interrupted with Error 451.”
Any ideas.
this is quite interesting.
The error just says that someone (your GUI process) needs a scanning socket, asks the scanning service for this socket, but the service knows that it’s already there.
So, please, have a look at:
Seems that for some reason application can’t connect to the socket, although it’s present in the filesystem and “ok” from scanning service’s pointof view…
Also, file /var/log/daemon.log might be interesting for us, at least it’s tail (tail -1000 /var/log/daemon.log >log_tail.txt).
This is very first time when someone reports such flaw, isn’t there something unusual with the account (special acces control lists, some special software that influences filesystem, or other antivirus)?
I have the same error even when I uninstalled and re-installed.
The issue arose when I moved my home folder to a different drive (formatted ExFAT) so I could share home folder / documents etc with my Bootcamp Win 7 install.
For some reason my Library/Application Support/Avast is empty?
Well, the reason is probably that FAT/ExFAT isn’t able to host unix local sockets. In general, such homes are inferior also for other reasons (lack of posix-like acess control rights), and there are many other ways how to access data from bootcamped OS (HFSPlus Explorer, dedicated driver that BootCamp offers, for example), but we’ll fix this particular issue in the next release anyway.
Thanks for the reply.
The Library/Applications Support/Avast directory is empty. And the folder icon has a small red circle with a white bar (like a no entry sign) in the lower right corner.
This is a Lion Server installation. When I install Avast on a regular Lion install, it works fine. I don’t know if that could be the problem or not.
Also, I’ll try to get the log and post it here. (I’m still learning OS X/Unix commands!!).
log attached
I’ve discovered some new information.
Avast runs fine when I’m logged in as a local administrator (haven’t tried a local standard account).
The problem occurs when I log in with a network account (This Mac is joined to a MS Active Directory network.) The account I log in is a domain admin account and I have allowed domain admins to administer this Mac via the Directory Utility.
It is already fixed in our SVN, so wait for next public build.