Error 80004003

On a XP Pro machine completely updated I installed Avast! Home edition (latest full update version). At the time off installation, I was logged on as Administrator.

After creating two new accounts (both Administrator rights) I get the error code “80004003” at one account in Microsoft Outlook 2003.

What to do??

See attached screendump (only in Dutch available):

Please see THIS THREAD to see if it is of any help.

Also check the user rights on the not working account.

No, thats no solution in this case. Thanks for the response.

Google search returned this:

80004003 Invalid Pointer when exposing .net assembly to COM

Well, this error translation doesn’t make any sense (to me, at least ;)).
When exactly does the error appear?

Translation of the error:

avast! Kan inhoud van het bericht niet scannen = avast! Can not scan the content of this message

Ongeldige aanwijzer = Invalid pointer

Problem solved. The imported *.pst file from the older computer that belongs to Outlook was corrupt. After deleting all old messages the problem was solved.

Thankt for the responce.