Error after scan

I searched the forums and couldn’t find this so I hope I’m not reposting.

Whenever I do a full scan, including packers, I get an error at the end of the scan which says:

Scan completed with error:
3=The system cannot find the path specified

What is this and how do you fix it? Thanks!

I get this same error message. It reads as follows:

(window title) Error Message
Scan was completed with error,
Error: The system cannot find the path specified
[OK] (button)

I have found this happens when scan reaches the file called
“Pagefile.sys” on no other files.

This file is seen only because I have SHOW hidden files. I will try to do a scan with SHOW hidden files turned OFF.

I think this will fix the issue if Avast does not scan this file by default, and is only scanning it be cause it was selected in when I do a quick scan.

let me know if you find another file it errors on or a fix.

Thanks in advance.

This file is on the exclusion list by this way:
Did you change or delete the default settings?

No, that is just it as for me, I think Im fixed. I normally select all the files and folders I wish to scan instead of a full system scan do to the fact I have large amounts of images (I am a computer graphics artist) I normally dont scan these directories.
I select what I want to scan and right click then choose scan these areas from popup menu.
Since Pagefile.sys was SHOWN it was selected. I just finished running a scan of the entire drive by selecting Scan C:\ and it does not return the error message. So as for ME. I think this fixes the issue.

  1. Do NOT show hidden files.
  2. Select the files and folders to be scanned
  3. Scan
  4. Set SHOW hidden files back to ON.

Thanks I guess I just needed to ask the question outloud to see the answer for myself.

Thanks for the fast responce. I love Avast so far and I think I may just buy the business version.

Jon E. Meeks

In fact, I’m surprised… that trick shouldn’t affect anything ::slight_smile:
Just show or hidden files…
I suppose you’re using this computer at home and not for a commercial reason. Otherwise, it will be very good to buy the Pro version :wink:

Yea its for home and business I run a graphics company out of my home :slight_smile:

When I said Business version I ment PRO.

ashQuick.exe (the right click context menu) scan is not really the best option for large numbers of files and wasn’t really designed for that. As you have found it scans all files even those not really considered a virus risk.

Using the GUI Simple User Interface or in the case of the Pro version Enhanced User Interface is much better as it is more flexible.
What is strange though is the pagefile.sys being scanned (even by ashQuick.exe) as it should be in the exclusions as mentioned by Tech. However I have just checked my settings in Standard Shield, Advanced and it is not there (where I thought it should be) nor is it in my Program Settings, Exclusions.

So where this has gone I don’t know, what I do know was there used to be a problem with duplication of the excluded files in the Standard Shield and that was fixed, so no duplicates, but it would appear that ‘?:\PageFile.sys’ also went or is included by default somehow?

I would be glad if someone from the team explain why the exclusion lists were duplicated, messed, changed, etc. with the last 4.6.691 update.
David, you’re not the only one :cry:

Whilst I’m not overly concerned about why a problem occurred after it has been rectified. It was 4.6.691 that supposedly rectified the duplication which happened after a previous update. There are a couple of threads about it if I remember rightly (I think it was in the beta build), although I don’t believe an explanation was offered as to why it happened.
However, I would like to know why there is no reference to the pagefile.sys in any exclusions any more (they can be huge and supposedly can’t be infected?) or how it is being catered for?

Tech, are you sure the problem is present in 4.6.691? I’d rather say the problem was present in the previous beta builds, and maybe the (corrupted) settings could have been saved in your avast! database during the updates… but the problem shouldn’t be there anymore.

Here is what I know:

  1. Just after the first builts of 4.6 version, if I remember correctly, there were five or six entries into to exclusion lists.
  2. A litte time longer, only pagefile.sys in this format: ?:\PageFile.sys

So, sorry, I should asked before I’ve posted.
Is this correct or there is a trouble into the Exclusions lists?
Which is the default list of exclusions (Standard Shield)?

I have 5 entries in the standard shield advanced (plus 2 entries for my own exclusions).
There is no entry for ?:\PageFile.sys, is this missing (if so why), should I enter this?

The only entries in Program Settings, Exclusions are user set.

Where are my exclusions then? ??? ::slight_smile:
I’ve changed nothing, they’re gone in some last update…

I don’t understand. What do you mean? I have only one list into Advanced tab of Standard Shield provider settings ::slight_smile: ???
If you’re referring to the Exclusion page into main (program) settings, ok, it is empty by default.

  1. I have no idea where your exclusions have gone, could this be a follow on issue of the resolution of the duplicates?

  2. Yes that is what I meant, avast! Program Settings, Exclusions Page and it is good that what I have is correct.

But what has happened to ?:\PageFile.sys ?

Mistery… I’m waiting for Igor’s words of wisdom 8)

Unless you have custom exclusions set, I suggest simply to delete all the exclusions in list. The default will appear instead (when you open the list again) - and it will include ?:\PageFile.sys (I hope ;)).

Ok, I tried that and it didn’t work as expected.

I do have two additional exclusions, the folder containing eicar test files and windows prefetch files (.pf).

However, I decided to delete everything as you suggested (I could always put them in again) and closed the window. When I opened it again, yes ?:\PageFile.sys was there but the others I mentioned previously (what I thought were the default set, see below) were gone.

So it would appear that there is something in the mix not working as expected or should those file exclusions above not the default?

No, that’s OK.
These exclusions (unp*, etc.) are still performed internally, but somehow differently - so they are not displayed in the list. Don’t worry about them :wink:

Thanks, I can remove them again ;D