Error: Archive Password Protected, causing scan to stop

I keep getting a ton of these, after searching the boards I see that protected files aren’t a big deal but my problem is a little different then just not being able to scan these files. Avast seems to stop and freeze at about 30 percent complete. A few times I’ve had to re-start the computer because it was totally locked up.
I’ve tried to find the files it can’t scan to delete them but I can’t locate them even with a search. Anyone got something I might try?
All the files start with C:\System Volume Information_restore{F845E3DB-F751-4BE4-A620-64F2CAIBFB5F}\rp262\A0041750.exel>
after that they end with a variety of .png .gif .css .js .xml . json . bundle .html . xml file types
It doesn’t give me a total but i would guess a hundred or two files

If you have lots of old restore points (system volum…) delete and create new

ok how do I find the C:\system volume information folder so that I can delete, I searched it but nothing came up

Google…how to delete restore points in…xp or vista or…the os you have

sorry but i am on a tiny cellphone screen now

You don’t need to as that is a hidden folder.

  • Create Clean Restore Point - Clear old Restore Points.

Create a clean System Restore point:

  1. Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System tools, System Restore.
  2. In the pop-up that appears fill in the radio button to Create a Restore Point
  3. Click NEXT
  4. Enter a useful name that you will remember if you need to find this again (Clean Restore Point)
  5. Click CREATE

You now have a clean restore point, you should clear the old ones:

  1. Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System tools, Disk Clean Up
  2. Click OK on the C: drive
  3. Click the More Options tab
  4. In the System Restore section click the Clean Up button

Thanks that worked :smiley:

your welcome :wink:

You’re welcome.