On Aug 11, I Posted the following:
When I try to delete, move an infected file, I get an error box with the message:
Avast!: Unable to move the infected attachment to the folder specified in configuration data. Error code is 00000002.
Build 4.1.418, File version 0433-1
amd 1.0g, win xp-sp1, MS outlook
Product is great! Has caught every attack, which happens at least once a day. Keep up the good work. John
Then Vlk and Eddy posted the following Questions, and I answered:
Does the chest folder exist? Yes, and the folder is selected.
Do you see the same error message even if you try to Delete? YES
Is the infection found in an archive (e.g. ZIP) or a plain (uncompressed) file? Plain as far as I can tell, Email attachments, I dont check to see what they are…
Is this during mail scanning? Yes and I use MS Outlook
The problem still exists, what should I do? Thanks, John
Thanks, John