ERROR: Cannot connect to (unknown column 80)

Just installed this on (WinXP Home) home machine Tuesday; it did initial update fine, but now every attempt to update gets error as per subject line above…connecting to Internet via Earthlink.

Any ideas?

Do you have a firewall, if so which one?

If you have a firewall check that it allow ashUpdSv.exe and avast.setup access to the internet? - they need it.

Do you mean the automatic one or the manual?
At logon time or each automatic atempt to update?

Automatic update at login was what was failing. Went home over lunch and checked. Seems to be working now just fine. (?) Maybe trouble was at other end.

Thanks for the responses.

Most probably, anyway you can change the settings of avast4.ini file to configure your installation better.

Into [InetWD] section you can define AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds for the number of seconds to wait before attempting to update.
Into [AAVM] section you can set SuppressUpdateErrorInfo and SuppressUpdatedInfo to have a very silent update.

Click ‘Settings’ in my signature for more info.