I get the following msg when trying to update my avast: “Error: Cannot connect to server.”
Also a red box appears time after time saying it cannot update… What is wrong? It have worked fine before…
Cannot connect to www.iavs.cz (
you are not connected to the Internet.
your firewall does not allow the program “avast*.setup” to access the Internet; you can find details in help or read the FAQ section on avast! website.
your HTTP proxy settings are incorrect.
the server is inaccessible because of a network error or maintenance.
- your firewall does not allow the program "avast*.setup" to access the Internet; you can find details in help or read the FAQ section on avast! website.
Was avast.setup allowed?
What firewall are you using?
When before did it work?
Have you just updated your avast program, what version are you using?
Have you tried a manual update and did your firewall ask permission or block avast.setup?
The more information you give us the easier it is to help.