I have read through most of the other similar threads and made no progress. For the record I am a computer repair tech for a living and have used avast for years.
Product: Avast 5 Free (Registered)
OS: Vista Home Premium SP2 32 Bit
Computer: Dell Inspiron 1525 - Celeron 2.00/3GB
Have tried, uninstall/reinstall & repair options.
Have redownloaded avast setup.
Have used aswclear before natural uninstall and after.
Have run removal tools for mcafee and norton, which were previously installed on the system.
Have run CCleaner, checked HiJackThis, and several other manual checks.
Have cleared hosts file.
Have checked IE proxy settings through internet options and also the registry.
Maybe have done some other things, can’t remember.
Problem has persisted over 2 days so not a “busy” issue.
System does everything perfectly, except update avast.
Open to any suggestioins. I had this happen on one other system in the past but it turned out to be either the host file or proxy settings. Not the case here. Thanks in advance.
a few others have reported the issue (with updating), it hasn’t been addressed so far I think (unless I missed a thread…). Most recurrent issues on Avast 5 reported here are originating from XP computers…don’t know if you’re on XP, you didn’t specify. I don’t know, hope someone else here can help, I never had this issue.
the problem is that from what I read in your first post you seem to have eliminated all possible causes already, I think you’ve checked everything so my best reasonable bet is that there’s an issue with Avast most likely, and may be with the free version only…not easy to tell, I wouldn’t mind an avast dev to post here. The thing is that the free version “connects” to tens of sites related to web content displayed in the UI like the AIS promo. But I doubt this could interfere as AvastUI (the process that connects) doesn’t have anything to do with updates. I blocked it once when I was running the free version and the update process wasn’t affected. So, just in case there still would be anything related between those connections when they’re established (I have no idea just guessing…) and the update processes, you could always try that (I know some here won’t like this suggestion ;D )…block AvastUI with your firewall and see if updating works again…(probably won’t )
I’m really up for trying anything, so I did. No change.
Only thing other I can think is I believe avast was installed prior to SP1 and SP2 being installed. It never asks if avast can connect to the internet on any of the process even though I’ve reset the windows firewall several times it never asks. It’s like it’s not really trying to connect.
Hmm, perhaps this is something I’m not familiar with? I’ve cleared the exceptions and used the Windows Firewall → Advanced → Restore Defaults. That’s supposed to clear all rules/exceptions. If theres something else, please elaborate.
okay type “windows firewall with advanced security” in the search box of your Windows menu (I’m on Seven but you got almost the same fw interface in Vista) >>> see screen shot, and check outbound and inbound rules there.
Still wouldn’t call this resolved. Clearly, Avast is broken to some degree. It’s using settings that can’t be changed by normal means to check for a proxy server. That’s broken.
I agree the issue can’t be considered resolved, but this could also be your proxy settings being broken somehow, because I don’t have any problem when switching the proxy setting in Avast.
The proxy settings that internet explorer uses are not keeping internet explorer offline. Avast, supposedly, uses these same settings but is being kept offline. Something is not right about that and it doesn’t sound like internet explorer.
Where does Avast read its proxy settings from, settings which are supposedly Internet Explorers settings, but IE works fine, the settings in the registry are fine, every other piece of software on the computer works fine.
It would seem that maybe Avast uses a non-standard location for proxy settings.
That tone? Oh you mean irritated by someone repeatedly not answering a question yet telling you you are wrong? If that’s what you mean, then perhaps. Otherwise, you never got started on this thread.
you know what, I don’t care if that thread gets locked or if I get banned for it, just edited OFF !!! ;D
you might call yourself a tech man, but you’re a noob on Windows :
edit: I don’t work for Avast, and I owe you nothing got it? >:(
LOL. Sad little person you are. You don’t owe me anything, correct. But don’t parade around like you know everything when you can’t answer one question. Congrats on your sad little life, i hope you reach 4500 posts soon so you can feel useful. You’re the only person on the forum that tried to help, so I guess the forums pretty useless. I’m done with this thread, you, and this forum. I believe I’ll stop using avast as well.