Internal server error!
Requested service not available at the moment! Please try again later.
Log out Try again
The above error comes on a PC and a laptop - IE and Chrome and Fiorefox. Dedicated hardwire connection and WiFi at starbucks - I get it off and on throughout the day, and sometimes it is so bad I click try again 20x before it loads a page then still get error 5 seconds later.
I cannot send commands, cannot get location info or map - and right now it is so bad the past few hours I could barely get logged into my account.
What is going on guys - do you need more servers or is the ones you have broken?
If it doesn’t work, it looks like your phone - server connection could be blocked or so.
I suppose you already executed “Fix connection problems” in Anti-Theft → avast! Account
further diagnosis on my end is hardly possible without direct access to the device.
But - I have some hints for you:
disconnect from the online account and reconnect from within Anti-Theft (Anti-Theft → avast! Account)
try to connect through different internet connections (other WiFi’s for example)
make sure you have the latest Version of avast! Mobile Security and Anti-Theft installed.
if you can’t manage to connect to the online account it’s not /that/ bad. In case of emergency - when the phone gets lost - I would recommend using SMS commands anyway. They are much more reliable and work even without internet access.
I also experience some commands not going through on my private device. If I try a day or an hour later - it works. The problem isn’t on your, or our side.
It’s Google Cloud to Device Messaging - a service provided by google that we use to communicate with the installation.
Sometimes the command messages don’t make it to the device and the command just times out. Or the command message arrives at the device, the command is executed - but the return message (confirming the reception) doesn’t arrive at the server.
It’s actually a google problem - we can hardly improve this.
Thanks it works now - my issue is when it is down seems it is down for a while then goes back up? I do get sometimes command timing out - that is Google - but the error I sent above is not it timing out, it’s your website (the my account area) loading very slowly, and giving me the error above - is that also Google issue?
Its no internet issues unlimited 4G, no throttling
And while I love sms commands too - a “record audio” command cannot be sent via sms - so I have no choice but to go online and hope it is working good when I need to use it lol… Thats why I posted this was trying for a few hours to record audio and was just having such a hard time even applying the commands because I could not even get my account page to load because of the above mentioned error