Error Code 10091

Iam receiving the following Avast Mail Scanner Messages when Avast starts,
Avast will not be able to protect news (NNTP protocol) Error:10091
the same message also for Incoming mail (POP3 protocol), (IMAP protocol) and outgoining mail (SMTP protocol).
I have tried a reinstalation of avast as well as a repair I am running XP pro with sp1 and Bullet proof soft for my Firewall.
Any help would be appreciated.

You forgot to tell some importanten things.
What do you use as email client?
Does your email requires ssl?

I see that you are using SP1, I very strongly suggest to immediatly visit the WINDOWS UPDATE website and keep going there till ALL security patches/updates are installed. Your system is vulnarable to all kinds of malware at this time.

Hi, Eddie,

I am using outlook express, can you enlighten me on ssl and I will take your advise on Windows update.

I don’t think Avast knows a 10091 error.
The 10091 is normally a mailErrorNetworkNotReady (Network subsystem is not ready for communication) error.

In simple words, the mail server can not be reach. Did you allow all parts of Avast in your firewall?
What other security (related) software do you have installed?
Does the mail work if you disable the Avast Internet Mail provider?

If you need ssl or not should have been told by your mail provider.
For more information about ssl have a look HERE

I just stopped Internet mail provider and I can still receive email fine, other programs are BPS spyware and adware remover as well as spybot search and destroy.
Sorry for the misspell on your name earlier.

Don’t wory abot a tipo. I make them al the tiem ;D ;D ;D

Checkout the settings in BPS, it has a firewall and I suspect Avast mail scanner does not have the correct permissions there. It should be possible to disable the firewal (just for testing). If so, disable it, leave the Internet Mail Provider in Avast running and try to send/receive mail.

I disabled BPS and its firewall and did a reboot for it to take effect, and still received the same messages when avast starts, my email works fine the avast icon shows 7 providers total 5 running.

Hmm odd. Let’s see if someone else has an idea about this.

When you Terminate & Start the Internet Mail provider, do the error messages appear again ?

Hi vojtech,
Starting and stopping does not cause the messages to appear.
Now on the good side the messages have stopped and all providers are running fine, I think I’ll chalk this one up to gremlins?.

Thanks to Eddy and yourself for the quick responce to my problem.

Keep an eye on it, I owuld say.
If it happens again, please let us know in this thread so we can look further into it.

(unless Vojtech has some more ideas ofcourse)