Error code 42125

Hi all,
Can anyone tell me how I can remove this error as it has started to make my computer very slow.

Thanks for all your help it is very much appreciated

Where does the error message appear? Can you take a screen shot of the message?

What version of Avast are you using?

avast Error 42125 = ZIP archive is corrupted

Something you should only see when doing a scan , are you running a Boot time scan ?

Hi all,
Thanks very much for all your help. Pondus you are correct I did a boot scan and now my machine is very slow if not in safe mode and just turns off.

Can anyone help me fix this or can I just delete it?

Thanks for all your help it is very much appreciated

avast Error 42125 = ZIP archive is corrupted
This message is usually given if avast scan engine can not unpack and scan a archive for whatever reason, there can be several I cant see why this should have anything to do with your machine beeing slow

See instructions here
see step nr #2 Farbar Recovery Scan Tool attach the two diagnostic logs here in this topic

You can run FRST in safe mode if problems running it in normal mode