Error code is 80004003


  1. How can I grant ‘create global objects’ right to all users. I am using Avast!4 for small business server (Windows server 2003 for small business – 5 CAL’s).

  2. I’m getting the message ‘avast! Cannot scan the message body. Error code is 80004003. Invalid pointer’. What to do?


Bob Ceulemans

  1. and 2. are closely related. That is, if you manage to set 1., 2. disappears.

The “Create Global Objects” privilege is a standard Window privelege. The way you set it depends on whether it’s a domain controller or not. In all cases, it’s done from the “Administrative Tools” (typically “Local Security Policy” unless it’s a DC).

OK. I’m guessing if it’s a domain controller, it is set under group policy management. Can you tell me where I set this, Vlk? cheers.