Error disabled shields?

If I disable the shields, and open avast, it says that I am protected but if I go to the shields section they appear disabled,Also icon next to the clock says in green protected,Only in windows 10 security center warns that avast is disabled.

Latest version of avast and windows 10 64 bits

Working as it should here, with win10 and Avast Free 21.8.2487 (build 21.8.6586.691) and UI 1.0.666

Does your avast program and UI version match mine ?

I have exactly that version, but my Avast is premium Security,

You could try the Report a Bug, use the right click > About Avast - when the UI opens use the Report a bug.

Ok,Thanks :smiley: :wink:

Hopefully Avast will act quickly on this, strange that isn’t the same across all versions of avast.

Doing some tests I have seen that it does not work if I disable them from the icon next to the clock

If I disable them from the interface if it works.

The only thing that also doesn’t work from the interface is if I turn off the firewall… in that case it does not work either and everything is kept in green

I think it still needs reporting if it isn’t consistent.

Yes, I have already reported it