I get this error message when trying to install avast on my windows ME computer.
error 10006(000003EE) Last performed operation was opening the self-extract archive. I’ve tried a number of times and I still get the same error. I’ve installed Avast on another computer without problems. I have a Pentium 2 with plenty of hard drive space. Any suggestions?
The error code indicates an installation error. More than likely from a corrupted file.
Install Avast from the Control Panel…Add/Remove .
Reboot computer.
Shut down ALL non-essential Windows programs using Ctl-Alt-Delete to bring up the program dialog menu.
Note: Leave Explorer and Systray active. -
Install Avast.
Let me know if you have any other problem.
Good luck
I followed your instructions to the letter and the install went nicely except for one problem. When I did the CAD I got this error message: Internal error has occured in avast program. It is probably caused by a program bug or invalid entry data. Then I got the option to send an error report. I also noticed this error when I opened my Thunderbird email program. I suppose my question now is is it safe to use avast, will it still do it’s job? I did a full scan of my system and it seems to be functioning ok. Thanks for all your help.
Payne, I found some related forums for you…
Will any of them help you?
Firstly, I use Avast Home on an ME system and it works fine, so we need to try and find out why it will not work on yours.
Secondly, what version of Avast are you installing?
Is your copy the Home or Pro version?
The latest is build 4.1.418 and the database is 439-2.
We can try 2 more things. Suspecting STILL a bad installation file, Go into the Add/Remove again and highlight Avast. Click Remove and you will be given the option to Repair Avast. Try that.
Reboot the computer and try again.
If this fails, then it is possible that your copy of Avast itself is corrupt and no matter how many times you install it, it will not work. In this case, I would download a fresh copy of Avast from a different site or mirror, and then try again. (You can use the same key)
BUT THIS TIME before installation…go to www.avast.com, Downloads…and find the Program utility Avclear.
Use this to remove all remnants of Avast.
Reboot the computer.
Then use the new copy and install.
Hopefully this will take care of it.
Thanks for the replies but I think my problem goes beyond a corrupt copy of Avast. I’m getting all kinds of error messages for no apparent reason eg I tried to click uninstall in add remove for Avast but the error I got was RUNDLL32 has caused an error in SETIFACE.dll another was wuaboot has caused an unknown error. There are many more not associated with Avast but you get the point, I think I will have to reinstall Windows. I tried installing the Java plugin with pretty much the same problems. I will come back for Avast later, thanks again.
Payne, setiface.dll error is regard to avast installation. I don’t know if it is avast fault but we can correct it uninstalling and installing again.
I never saw an error called wuaboot…
When you feel confortable to come back, we will be here to help you
W U A B O O T is the Windows AutoUpdate Process utility.
If Payne is having so many erros, then I suspect we have more going on here than a bad install of Avast.
Might I recommend that your run a full DiskScan and Defrag before doing anything else.
You may have a boot sector problem.