"error has occured while attempting to update"

I received the above message this morning. Note the word occurred misspelled as occured. That got my concern even greater, as I always am told to look for those things in fraudulent contacts. I had not changed any settings of avast or firewall or anything, and after that message, I went to manually update (making no changes along the way) and it worked fine.
If it helps, here is the log entry:

"9/14/2009 7:45:55 AM SYSTEM 1736 Function setifaceUpdatePackages() has failed. Return code is 0x2000000B, dwRes is 2000000B. "

Should I be worried?

Note the word occurred misspelled as occured.

What word was misspelled?

Occasionally avast won’t be able to contact the update servers, sometimes it happens. Shouldn’t be anything to worry about though, unless it always happens during an automatic update.

As long as you can manually update when you see it fail, you should be ok.

Thanks. I figured it was something minor.

Occurred was spelled occured. I didn’t even notice it until doing a forum search (by copying and pasting the message) and it suggested I was looking for occurred, not occured.

Thanks for your reply… I tend to be a worrier…

@ scythe

change your signature. the forum link doesn’t work. its /forum

Thanks nmb, I didn’t realize that it was cutoff. I’ll fix that. Much appreciated!

joined your forums. :slight_smile: