Error Help

Hey guys thanks for making a forum for us first off :slight_smile: I’ve been using Avast32 for awhile now (home) I delete it completly yesterday and install avast 4 for home. Every time I try and start it I get 3 error messages and it won’t do zero. Here are a few screens of the errors, any thoughts?

Thanks in advance


Get the latest MDAC drivers, e.g. from

That should fix the problem (you didn’t write what OS you’re using, but unless it is Windows 95, the link should work)…


Thanks Vlk, installed the MDAC drivers and I still have the same error messages, im using XP Pro. Maybe something didn’t fully uninstall with my original avast32?

Hmm, interesting. Try one more thing. :wink:
Open the file \data\avast4.ini, look up the line contained the word “Database” (without the quotation marks), and change it to


(Most likely, now it reads Database=ODBC)…


beautiful man, that did the trick, database was set to odbc. Thanks for the quick replies it’s much appreciated :smiley:

Setting INI file Database key to XML you have disabled using ODBC so now you are not using it at all (in Home edition functionality of avast! using XML storage is just same as with ODBC).
To fully update your system components you should apply MS Jet update available on because starting MDAC 2.6 it is not part of it.