When I look in Windows XP ( home edition ) log, I have some errors under Antivirus :
- Error in aswChestS: chestAddSystemFiles Error 3.
- Error in aswChestS: chestOpenListLoc Error 3.
Can someone tell me where it comes from ?
When I look in Windows XP ( home edition ) log, I have some errors under Antivirus :
Can someone tell me where it comes from ?
Probably there were some error in the RPC service (Administrative Tool > Services) and it could be logged into the Windows Events (Administrative Tool > View events) into System events.
For correct this, the RPC and the two avast! antivirus services must be set for automatically running in your system. But, probably the already are set like this
If the error does not happen again, just forget it…
Are there any errors when you view the chest content ?
Do you have the rpc update from Microsoft installed already?
When I look at log viewer / error : I have several errors ( see attached file ).
RPC procedure call is automatically launched at Windows startup ( sorry, but I’m French ).
How can I find whether RPC update is installed ?
Sometimes, avast tries to update database ; but it cannot end the operation because I close the connection.
Does the error message results of connection close ?
I do not know exactly what is the update that Artras is talking about…
Anyway, if you type in a DOS window:
This is the Windows XP Hotfix Validation Report and you will probably receive a list of your Windows Updates installed. You can compare this with Microsoft Database. Hope this help in anyway.
I can’t launch Qfecheck.exe
Windows Update is configured to automatically Update without asking me what to do.
I suggest manual updates of Windows anyway… I want to know what is happening. About the Qfecheck.exe you can read http://www.theeldergeek.com/using_qfecheck.htm or http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=http://support.microsoft.com:80/support/kb/articles/Q282/7/84.ASP&NoWebContent=1
I wondered if there are some errors in the log when you open the chest viewer from the avast main menu.
The error message is not related to the avast update.