error install DNM

I get this error after I install DNM. I get all the way done with the installation and I recieve the error that the system engine could not be started…I forgot what the error number was and I don’t know how to get back into the log. If someone could help me out that would be great

Isn’t it the problem with the license file? Similar to the one discussed here:;action=display;threadid=6521 ?

It would also be useful if you provided us with more info… the OS, the DB type (MSDE or full SQL) etc…


I’m running this on a windows 2003 server and using MSDE. I don’t know where they store the log file so if you could tell me where they store that I would be more than happy to post the log file for you guys

Hi, finally back from the vacation… :slight_smile:

I have a couple of questions:

  1. How exactly do you “get” the error? A popup window? A log entry? (in which log then?)

  2. Try posting the contents of the file \data\log\error.log.


I tried to find that error.log but I only have info.log in that folder. Anyways this error would pop up right at the end of the installation. it has to do with something about the engine not starting. then when I boot up my server computer everytime I get this hardware could not start please check in device mananger to see what hardware couldn’t start. When I check in device manager I see in the Other devices tab there is a CTRL, Disabled, and WSS/SB that has an explanation mark next to them. When I uninstall avast these devices disappear. I’m running on an older server with Windows 2003 installed. It is a pentuim 2 400 mhz with 384 ram but this is the only program that is installed on this computer. Just a test server so maybe if I install it on our newer server I won’t have any problems. I just wanted to test out the program before I shut down my users for about a half a day. hopefully this info will help you out some more

What’s in the info.log then?
Also, the device problem you’re describing is extremely strange.

What happens if you try to start the “avast! Management Server” service? Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Services?


when I go in and try to start it manually it comes up with an error

Could not start the avast! Management Server service on local copmuter.

Error 1053: The service did not respnd to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

The info file says:

8/20/2004 3:38:35 PM 1093041515 Administrator 876 Installer information: *: Going to check version of database of avast! on MS SQL Server “WEBSERVER\avast”, using user “sa”…
8/20/2004 3:38:57 PM 1093041537 Administrator 876 avast! engine started.

okay I got it to install correctly without any errors. Now when I open the ADNM Console and try to login it says:

the requested address is not valid in its context

Unable to login as Administrator or connection error

also I noticed down by the clock where the SQL service icon is. It says that it is disconnected and I open the program but there is nothing under the server or services I don’t know if you need this for the ADNM console or what

okay I got it up and running thanks for your help…if I have anymore questions I will post it


BTW what was the problem? Something appearent or something tricky?

Thanks again

I wish I knew what the problem was. All I did was an uninstall of everything and then tried to install it again to see if I would get that error again at the end of the installation but no error came up and everything worked fine. One thing that I did noticed was that when you try to delete a task that is running it shuts down the console. Don’t know if anyone else had the problem before but I thought I saw it on the forums awhile back.

One thing that I did noticed was that when you try to delete a task that is running it shuts down the console.

Hmm, what do you mean by running task? A running session?

So you were deleting a task (the “prescription”), or a session (the running object)?


it is actually sessions. I noticed under client and Server if I right click on the running(actually I don’t think it has to be running since I stopped one) and hit delete it will just close the console and then I will have to reopen the console. Also I don’t think it matters on what session is running it has done it on a Find Computers, Generate Infection Reports and Updating VPS

Are you using the latest released build of the program?

For example, does it ask you if you’re sure you want to delete the session(s)?


I have another question for you. When I tried to deploy the client installation from the console to other computers I go into the Installation packages and edit the pakage components. I have the netclient edition highlighted and I click on edit. I leave everything defaulted so I just hit next through the screens and it comes up saying that:

Operating system does not meet minimal requirements. You can install only on Windows NT 4 with Service Pack 4 or better. Cannot be installed on NT Server.

I’m running the console on a Windows 2003 Server. Got any suggestions on why this is doing that…more than likely prolly user error

It doesn’t ask me for anything the version that I’m running is Build RC1 (4.5.134)

Yep, this is a bug. It has already been reported (and fixed in our internal builds).