Error: Maximum Storage Size of Your Account Reached

I have anti-theft installed and the premium upgrade to mobile security (which activates ability to record audio and take pictures etc).

The record audio and picture worked fine for few days then started getting the above error on audio record attempts. pictures still work.

when I issue the record audio command, it says “recording…” then posts the error message:
Error: Maximum Storage Size of Your Account Reached

I paid for the upgrade only for this function, and now it doesnt work.



Help mods… this is time sensitive…

same problem for me today
I then tryed deleting lot of older audio recordings so to free space, but the problem presists.
So maybe it’s not a problem on your and mine account, but a problem on the Avast servers
Of course I was in urge of usinging the service…

Is there a paid support subscription for phone supprt on anti-theft… or for expedited email support (like microsoft) ?

we already pay for the premium features, it’s no sense adding an extra fee for a premium support
You can open a ticket, but they usually take about 24 hours to reply

finally I got my ticket answerd (but NOT solved)


please try to access the Google Drive which is connected to your account and delete data directly from the Google Drive.

Best regards,

the matter is: I NEVER explicitlry setted a google drive account to work for data update from avast
So how has it been setted?
witch account is used by default?
I hope it’s not the google play store account configured on the device…like this the person handling the mobile will get notified of the new file updated (if google drive client is configured)

Exactly… and the manual is no help, it doesnt even list audio recording as a topic.

This is 3 or four days now. A key feature of the premium upgrade doesnt work and there doesnt seem to be any feedback happening. I wonder if this problem was discussed in the comments on google play store and I just missed it?

tech questions… mods?

  1. Which google email specifically? The gmail account I bought the upgrade with may no longer be on the phone.

If this is the case, is there a workaround ? Maybe adding a micro sd card for future reference?

For right now, can I specify a different google drive not associated with an email addy on the phone? Iow I can set up a googledrive and provide u the id and password.

  1. Since it worked fine for a few days … maybe 60 minutes of total recording, it must be stored initially somewhere else. Can I clear/erase the old files and make that room available again? I erased old audio and picture files on the web portal but didnt work.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note® II

considering the low price of the premium upgrade, and the frequency of failures/problems, I suspect we’re just paying betatesters.
The matter is: Usually betaTester have a direct contact with R&D team to cohoperate for the product improvement…
Have a support member answer your question on an open ticket with a 24 hours delay is not the best way to go.
Considering I bought this software for the good name of Avast Antivirus Company…

it seems you’re not using google drive right? if not, you’re using avast! internal storage which is limited. you can now either delete the old commands (which have the files attached) to free storage (you can see your free storage in account → top right (your name) → google drive. you can also enable google drive there (then the files will not be stored to avast! internal storage anymore thus do not count to the limit). i hope i could help you.

you get the max storage reached message because the space we can provide (on our server) is quite limited. To overcome this problem, please connect your account with your google drive account (as you already found out)

1. Which google email specifically? The gmail account I bought the upgrade with may no longer be on the phone.

if the google account is no longer registered on the phone, you’ll loose premium features. The license is bound to the gmail account you bought it for (that’s why you also have premium on all other android devices which are registered with the purchase gmail account)

For right now, can I specify a different google drive not associated with an email addy on the phone? Iow I can set up a googledrive and provide u the id and password.
yes, you can. log into and click on the tab with your name in the top right corner. Select Google Drive to create the connection. This can also be a google drive account which is different from the account you purchased the license for.
2. Since it worked fine for a few days ... maybe 60 minutes of total recording, it must be stored initially somewhere else. Can I clear/erase the old files and make that room available again? I erased old audio and picture files on the web portal but didnt work.
hm. what didn't work exactly?
  1. Thank u very much for ur reply

  2. Re “what didnt work”, I erased most commands with audio files, but still got same err msg when used the record audiio command.

  3. I removed mobile security from fone after I accomplished upgrade as per faq (to keep avast secret) and I never had avast backup. so 1. Will enable google drive still work and 2. What email will the drive be associatedd with?

Also will any message be displayed on the target fone whem google drive is enabled?

gDRIVE accout association
I clicked on the gdrive from top right menu and it automatically asked me to connect to the last google account I logged in with the same browser
As soon as I realized this I stopped the process, then used the browser to log to the gmail accounted I wanted to associate, then reopend the page and relauched the google drive association procedure
So I was able to choose the account I wanted
besides this was the same google play account I used to pay for the premium license
So I don’t no if googledrive account MUST be same as google play account associated with premium license


@ reinhardholzner
@ Werner

really appreciated your help
besides I’m a little disappointed the support ticked I opened has almost been ignored
and it took 2 days to get the information need to solve the problem

Congrats ice… was there any message or notification on the phone running antitheft when u did the assocoation? Any email sent by avast or google to any account?

as soon as I connected the gDrive account to the my.avast account nothing happened
BUT the 1st command sent from avast website resulted in the creation of a new series of folders/subfolders in the newly connected gDrive account
I used a Google account account that has never been configured on the smartphone antitheft is running on

Sounds good… main thing I want to confirm is that the phone with antitheft showed no indication of any sort

How to replace Google DRIVE account for AntiTheft recordings


to change your Google Drive account please open web portal, login with your email and password, click on your name in top right corner of, click on “Google Drive”, select “Reconfigure” button and then you can login to any Gmail account in the top right corner of the “Request for Permission” website.

Best regards,

Jakub Vaňous
Technical support