Hey there,
found out my confuser (OUTLOOK EXPRESS 6 ) was sending out virus messages when I got one bounced back to me.
McAfee didn’t detect it. Downloaded Avast!4. Problem detected immediately and removed.
I receive one or two NETSKY type virus emails per day.
AVAST! 4 detects the email.
Then I try to delete it.
An ERROR MESSAGE then pops up and says something like “can’t find temp file” or whatnot. I am then forced to close the AVAST! 4 warning window and look at the email.
In the subject line there is a message from AVAST!4 saying that it ha
s detected a virus. I delete the mesage to the trash bin.
Why do I have this bug?
Why isn’t Avast! 4 deleting the emails directly?
Can you please offer me a work around or fix please?
I have disabled McAfee from my Start-Up menu, but after AVAST! 4 failed to delete the email then McAfee suddenly popped up and said that it had detected a virus and got onto cleaning it.