Error Message Removal/ Virus Chest Attempt "The Request Is Not Supported (50)"

Good Afternoon:

Downloaded most recent Avast Free Version with $19.00 upgrade last night. Ran deep virus scan which indicated “rootkit hidden file” threat. Attempted removal and moving to virus chest both

apparently failed. Received error message " The request is not supported (50). Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.

what was detected?
what was det location, full file path

Pondus, Thank You for responding. The file appears to be: C:\Windows…\clbcatq.dll:WofCompressedData
Thanks in Advance for any help.

Detected file is inside a compressed archive, so avast will not rip it out
  1. you have to unzip archive and scan
  2. you move/delete entire archive

i have a feeling this may be a false positive, so i would upload and check file at before doing anything

the path does not look like it is archive, but NTFS alternate data stream ( Send us the file to analyze (, please.


Hello Milos,

Thanks for your help.
I am not quite sure how to do that. I can’t seem to locate the file using file search. Also, If I manage to locate the file what exactly do you need?
Thanks Again.

find the file “clbcatq.dll” in “C:\Windows” folder and sent is to us. To obtain it’s Alternate Data Steam try to use
