I have some case where avast say"Séquence d’espaces suspectes" (Suspect Space sequence) when a message has too many spaces in its subject.
Otherwise, an error message “Sujet suspect” (suspect subject) when a message has a blank subject.
Is there a way to disable these errors messages ?
Tx a lot and sorry for my ba denglish
Resident Protection: Internet Mail - Heuristic
avast! is able to scan inbound mail not only for known viruses, but it can also verify the messages using heuristic analysis and possibly reveal a virus that is not present in the virus database yet. You can modify the settings of the heuristic analysis on this page.
Check whitespaces sequence. Some viruses use a trick: behind one extension of the infected file name a large number of spaces (or other nondisplayable, “white” characters) is appended, followed by a second, real extension that is dangerous. The user does not see the second extension (it is several lines below or does not fit into the window where names are displayed). Heuristic analysis can uncover this trick and warn the user. Default permitted sequence length is five. Thus, if there are more than five white characters, a warning message will be displayed.