this has nothing to do with Avast, but I have been trying to resolve the issue on my Vista Home Premium 32 machine. I can’t use Windows update. I get this error 80004002 message
Then when I try to put the correct .dll files in the DOS registry I get the second message.
How can I put those files into the registry? ??? I have been checking on other forums and am frustrated.
Is there any useful information into Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Events, specially ‘Errors’?
Which file are you trying to ‘put into the registry’ and what is ‘put into the registry’?
It started when I couldn’t update Windows, and got the first error message. I went to the microsoft website and was told to download these Dll files, because
“This problem occurs when the Windows Update agent file, Wups2.dll, is registered incorrectly. When the registry files that correspond to the Wups2.dll file are missing, update installations are unsuccessful.”
I saved them in a .bat file and tried to install them into the registry, but then I got the second message. I also tried to install them manually through the command prompt but got the same message.
Bob I have been to that website and that specific message previously but it still hasn’t helped. I will probably have to call Dell and see if they can help, but at this point it is my last resort. I couldn’t restore to an earlier time because for some reason all my restore points were lost.
I checked the event log especially errors and there are plenty, but I don’t know what is important.
RoRo ??? ???
Yes I did try to reinstall the agent. it didn’t change anything and I still have the same error messages. I wonder if using the repair function on my installation
CD is the next thing to try? If I try that I won’t lose my files etc? I have backed up everything on 4 DVDs just in case. Everything at this point makes me nervous.