Error messages after PC restart

Hi MartinZ and Hi Igor

When i Install the Basis Version of AVG AntiVirus and gestartet my locker become I some error messages. What can I do

Uninstall solved my problem

With best Regards

This forum is about the BETA version, not about stable releases.


Yes that is right, but there ist not an Updated Forum or an General Forum for AVG

With best Regards

Thank you very much for your Info

But what says the AVG Devs here in the Forum

With best Regards


Any other Infos for me please that i can so

And what says MartinZ and Igor

With best Regards

I have no idea where support is going to be for AVG, in the past AVG support was pretty poor as far as I’m aware. Were the avast support forums has been a very active support forum, mainly consisting of avast users so we won’t have much knowledge of AVG.

Igor and MartinZ are avast Team developers, so I don’t know how much they would be able to contribute.

I will wait for the answers of the Devs or of the AVG devs here in the Forum

With best Regards

AVG also has support forums:

Yes thank you very much for your Info but I will wait for the answers of the Devs or of the AVG devs here in the Forum or must i Register in the AVG Forum, too

With best Regards

I very much suspect that the two support forums will have to be kept apart (after all they are being marketed as two separate programs) otherwise it may/could cause confusion.

I believe the AVG Beta was only in the avast forums as we were being invited to do the beta testing on it

Also must i register in the AVG Forum, top

With best Regards

I have never used the AVG support forum (even when I used avg over thirteen years ago), but like all forums, I believe you have to register to be able to post. But you should be able to browse the forum without having to register.

Ah okay thank you very much for your Info

But i will wait here for help for some dass

With best Regards

You can wait all you want.

Fact remains this is not a support forum the stable release of AVG and next to that, without providing any information and just saying something isn’t working is almost 0 to tell what the problem is/provide a possible solution.

As Igor already told you " there’s nothing to check." as the log files are not providing any information at all.

Until things change, you need to go to the AVG support/webboard to get help.

Ah okay thank you very much for your Infos

With best Regards