I’ve just install free version Avast! AV homesoft after downloaded it from this web site (of course).
After reboot, I see its icon in the toolbar of windows (Win 2000 pro SP4) and when I right click on it I decided to use the start AV option.
I see the control panel and, suddenly, a first message: Unknown error - a store place cannot be created for the “splash” task. Only Ok is valid to reply. I click OK.
Then a second message appears saying a little bit that: Unknown error - The configuration hasn’t been loaded properly. Error dbsCreateObject. Click Ok as only solution.
After that, The control panne disapears. I don’t know if I’m protected.
The toolbar icon has its red circle on the botom left corner.
I’ve already uninstall the soft and install it again wihtout any change in this behaviour.
Technical don’t you remember? This is a ODBC - XML issue…
Search the board for these two terms(ODBC and XML) and i’m pretty sure you’ll find the answer You’ll have to edit avast4.ini file… maybe Techincal will explain to you
Sorry, I have forgotten that… There are so many ‘open’ forums in my head that some of them are being lost… Fortunatelly, we have many ‘thinking heads’ here.
Thanks Rejzor.
Dark Vador, this is avast forum ;D