I’m getting the error msg msvcr80.dll not found. I’ve been all over microsoft’s web page and installed all the latest updates for windows XP. I have installed all the latest updates for Registy Mechanic and I’ve upgraded to Avast Professional hoping that would fix the problem, it did not. I do not know how to fix this problem. If anyone has a solution for the “non technical” I would appreciate it.
From Bleepingcomputer http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/topic246591.html
I checked out the thread, thanks for the info. I did load the updated version of Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86), and still got the error. I checked previous threads…followed the advice from the microsoft tech, and contacted the manufacturer of the software that I am trying to use. They just responded with a suggestion that I not use their product. What?? alrighty then…
So as long as I’m not getting this error with any other application… problem solved.??
sokay thanks… : )
you need 2008 Redistributable Package (not 2005)