error msg re: Avsmcpa.dll

My system is Windows 98 2nd Edition.
When I attempt to open the control panel (start\settings\control panel) the following message is diplayed;

The specified resource language ID cannot be found in the image file

C:windows\system\Res0901\Avsmcpa.dll : One of the files needed to run this application cannot be found.

C:windows\system\Res0900\Avsmcpa.dll : One of the files needed to run this application cannot be found.

C:windows\system\Res09\Avsmcpa.dll : One of the files needed to run this application cannot be found.

C:windows\system\Res0000\Avsmcpa.dll : One of the files needed to run this application cannot be found.

C:windows\system\Res00\Avsmcpa.dll : One of the files needed to run this application cannot be found.

I must respond to the message for anything to happen. If I select “OK”, the control panel window will open, and all is normal.

I first encountered this after installing !Avast, but thought the error was related to the un-install of my previous anti-virus software, and just today noticed that the “Avsmcpa.dll” was an !Avast file.

Although it isn’t a real problem, it would be nice to fix the cause of the message. What can I do?

Thank you,
Michael Reynolds

I don’t think avsmcpa.dll is an avast! file - why do you think so?
After a quick search on google, I got the impression that the file is from McAfee Antivirus and it’s a known problem with its uninstallation…

Yes, Igor seem to know the truth ;D
I found that on google too:

Uninstalling McAfee
Warning!!! McAfee makes it very difficult to uninstall. McAfee has files scattered all over the hard disk.
Error: “The specified resource language ID cannot be found in the image file” C:\WINNT\System32.…\avsmcpa.dll
Solution: delete C:\WINNT\System32\avsmcpa.dll

If you could not delete files try to use InstallFile or Move on Boot

If there are keys left on registry after desinstalation, try jv16PowerTools

See links for downloading this files at;action=display;threadid=834;start=new

Using more than one av is always a mess… 8)

My mistake, sorry. I need to either take better notes, or clean my glasses more often. Avsmcpa.dll is from McAfee.

I did un-install McAfee and delete all files & register entries relating to McAfee I could find, prior to installing Avast. It’s a Windows thing, I guess.

Thank you for the responces, I’m sorry to have wasted your time.
