I am using windows ME with a Pentium 111 and 512 MB Ram.(I’m getting readyto upgrade to XP) and I just downloaded the latest 60 day trial version of Avast 4 Pro. I am unable to do a restore with the present system. So I ran a scan of C:\Restore\Archives and the program detected 155 infections. The program was unable to move any of these to chest because an error occured in moving. Also an error occurred when I tried to delete, change name, move, etc for all options and I believe for all infections.Need help.
What is it that you want to restore ?
When you install XP the ME Restore isn’t compatible if you now have XP installed, it keeps its restore points in the c:\System Volume Information folder and that is where the XP version of System Restore saves restore points and restore from. So your ME restore points are effectively redundant and just taking up space if you don’t plan a format and clean start for XP…
So you could empty/disable it now, Windows ME, XP, Vista - How to disable System Restore once disabled and rebooted that should clear ALL restore points.
When you have XP installed, you could enable a boot time scan. Right click the avast icon, select Start avast! Antivirus, a memory scan will take place followed by the opening of the Simple User Interface, Menu, ‘Schedule boot-time scan…’ Or see http://www.digitalred.com/avast-boot-time.php. This is able to get round problems like you mentioned as the files aren’t in use nor protected by windows.
Iam trying to remove all these infections before upgrading to XP. I understood that they would interfere with the upgrade.Are you saying I can safely do an upgrade to XP even with all these infections?I would like to restore the system to a point before some virus interfered with the restore program but the restore program does not work at all. Just says unable to restore to this point at all points.
Are you saying these files are now system protected and cannot be removed but if I upgrade to XP they will no longer be protected and I can remove them?
I also have about the same system on Drive D as well as C. When I try to send restore to the recycle bin in drive D so I can replace it, I get a message saying this is not possible.So the system protection may be working even tho Drive D is not primary.
I have reinstalled ME but this does not help. I did not save system files when I reinstalled so I thought this might get rid of the bad restore file but it did not. I have also disabled restore and tried the scan but I will try this again.
I disabled restore and scan did not show any infections. I enabled restore and scan did not show any infections and the chest does not show any of the 155 infections so they must be in an avast file someplace. But restore still does not work.
All I’m saying is to get rid of all restore points, they will be of zero use in XP and that would get rid of not just the infected restore points but all restore points freeing up valuable space. Not to mention overcoming the problem of not being able to deal with them for whatever reason that might be.
The same is true of temporary files and folders (internet temp, etc.) as these too are redundant so if they are populated than avast would scan the contents, if they are empty nothing to be scanned.
By disabling system restore as I said before it should clear all restore points, so I’m not surprised a subsequent scan doesn’t find anything, there is nothing there. They aren’t anywhere, they are history/gone/kaput, first avast couldn’t deal with them (what you reported, they couldn’t be moved) so technically they should still be in the ‘original’ location. Since disabling system restore it clears the restore points, so they are history/gone to meet their digital maker.
You still don’t say what it is or why you want to restore anything (or which restore you are talking about, avast/winME) ?