On daily update I get an error about the update failing. When I click the box the following is displayed, " File not found" “Total time 7 min”, or something close to this. When I do the manual update all goes fine with no errors. Any suggestions?
When does this error occur? Just after logon?
Which firewall do you use? Some firewalls block connections attemps before they’re (the firewall engines) are fully loaded.
Happens on boot up. Not running any software firewall. I do have a firewall built into my router, but this was all working upto 2 days ago. I have tried changing some of the ini settings that affect the check but have not rebooted yet.
How do you set the Update (Connections) tab of settings?
Which is the size of the following file: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\setup\servers.def
If your subscription allows the update right now (i.e., if it is not expired).
Check your proxy settings into avast!:
Left click the avast icon > Settings
Update (Basic) > Details > Proxy
Make sure your browser is not set to “Work Offline” (this option is generally in the File menu).
If it doesn’t help, try switching the proxy settings from “Auto-detect” to “No proxy” (I’m assuming you’re not connecting to the Internet via proxy).
Check your proxy settings into avast!:
Left click the avast icon > Settings
Update (Basic) > Details > Proxy
Make sure your browser is not set to “Work Offline” (this option is generally in the File menu).
it is not.
If it doesn't help, try switching the proxy settings from "Auto-detect" to "No proxy" (I'm assuming you're not connecting to the Internet via proxy)
have tried it both ways, makes no difference. Currently set to no proxy.
I ask because I have been investigating the same (at least it sounds like the same - without actually seeing a screenshot) error message being seen by one of the folks I support.
I am still investigating but I am coming to the conclusion that something is preventing avast from being able to create the temporary files it needs to perform the update.
So I have a couple of suggestions:
just temporarily do not run Window Washer at startup, see if the avast problem goes away.
if it does (or as an alternative to (1)) then edit the avast4.ini file (found in the folder Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA )
in the section headed:
add a line:
and save the avast4.ini file.
This will delay the attempt by avast to perform the VPS update from the default setting of 30 seconds after startup to 90 seconds after startup. That way there should be no possible conflict between Window Washer working on the temporary file cleanup and avast needing to create temporary files.
Ah, that actually sounds reasonable. If I remember correctly, the problem was that avast! wasn’t able to write the file into the temporary folder. The possible causes might be e.g.:
Incorrect TEMP folder setting
Full disk on the TEMP drive
Insufficient access rights into the TEMP folder
Some other program deleting the avast! subfolder/files in TEMP dir while avast! setup is running
The last item might be caused by a conflict with Window Washer…
I have changed the setting in the ini. I believe the problem is with the temp folder permisions.
I moved my temp folder to another drive to help stop fragmentation on my c drive. I have changed the permissions of the temp dir to allow all rights to everyone to see if this helps. If I have no errors, I will change the ini back and try again. I will post the results here for ya all.
Well, normal Windows installation does not allow common users to have ‘full permition’ to %temp% folder.
If you have another computer with the default values, I’ll copy them to your new temp folder.
Maybe running away from fragmentation you open a hole in your security :
For my user the problem has occurred on the same day on consecutive weeks. I have established with certainty that on the last error CCleaner started running 2 seconds before avast update. We know that CCleaner was run just after startup the previous week but do not have any conclusive evidence to show that it ran at the same time as the avast update attempt.
Each time the error has been the same in the avast log, multiple errors accessing the windows temp file location. However, that is the same disk on which avast is installed and to which avast is writing its error log and in this case there is a vast amount of disk space available.
I changed the permissions back, because the answer is WindowWasher. And to some extent TweakXP Pro(I use it to configure certain dislikes of winxp). I had to set the AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds=120 for the problem to be solved. Now I have no errors. Thanks for the hint about the log file. I had not looked at it. It showed some interesting info about connections. That is what led me to TweakXP.
At any rate the answer is setting always connected. The Temp dir permisions were of no use except that I had granted to much rights.