I have just started getting this error after having the Professional Edition for about 6 months. Using the Enhanced user interface then going to view and clicking on show log files then open up the Error tab I get this
4/13/2007 1:10:42 AM È‘|n“@æ 1688 AAVM - initialization error: Unhandled exception in AavmProviderStop, STANDARD.
4/17/2007 7:06:35 AM È‘|¨Ý`@æ 1312 AAVM - initialization error: Unhandled exception in AavmProviderStop, STANDARD.
Every thing seems to be working ok. I want to know if this is something I should be worried about. I had Norton before avast and it used to give me an error sometimes when I would restart the computer and I noticed with the times that this is also when this avast error is happening, on the restart. I have two computers and this is the cheap one that I bought just to play with. It is XP sp2 but only has 384 meg of ram. It does seems to be slow on doing a restart and also thought that might be the problem. I also have windows Defender running for spyware protection. Let me know if I need to give more information about this. Thanks slybo
Thank you for the quick reply but I do not understand fully. I understand that you are saying it is something not to worry about but what does verbose of the logs mean, also what does non-Latim characters mean. Sorry but I just do not understand these terms. Please give me a simple explanations of these terms. slybo
Can you please check if the datetimes of these events correspond to system shutdown (or restart)? (e.g. using Windows Event Log from which you can usually tell when the machine was restarted).
I looked under the windows event log and do not find anything for avast at that time but I can tell you I restart my computer first thing every day and look at several things right after I do the restart and have notice that this is about the time these errors are occurring. So to answer your question I do not see anything in windows log viewer but I know they are happening at the time of the restart. slybo
In this case I wouldn’t worry about that. They indicate that the Standard Shield provider terminated abruptly (as opposed to gracefully) - but since it’s happening during machine reboot, it can happen. Strange things can happen during the system shutdown .
Thank you for your reply. I understand because like I said at first this computer has had problems on restarting, I think because of the low ram. I have had a few icons not show up in the notification area at times after a restart, they are for aol and network magic but after a second restart will appear. This is a cheap computer and so I am not surprised. I have avast also on my good computer and have not had these problems. Thank you, slybo