Error ssl handshake timed out ssl=0x6bc9e008: I/O error during system call

Hi I have repeated errors on attempting to connect to account from mobile, the error comes on ‘fix connection problems’ at ‘checking web connection’, there are no problems with the internet on wifi or 3G.

Initially with wifi enabled I had [Error: Reason unknown], followed by [Error: ssl handshake timed out]. I tried switching off wifi (to 3G) and had the following errors [Error: avast ssl handshake timed out ssl=0x6bc9e008: I/O error during system call, connection reset by peer] and [Error: failed to connect to (port 443), after 10000ms].

I have tried restarting phone and killing all other running apps to no avail. My phone is an HTC one, running android 4.2.2 and latest version of avast! Anti Theft (3.0.7118). Any help would be much appreciated, thank you.

avast Mobile Security forum section is found here.