Question: I did a scan, the thorough kind, and Avast said: Error: the system cannot find the path specified
I cannot delete these files, or put them in the volt. I would very much like that. What do I do?
I’d put the print screens here, but the file is too large. I already did 2 full scans, to see if Avast wasn’t just doing, two things at the time. (as I read on some other forum)
It might be the internet as well. It’s not working very well this last days. If that has anything to with it of course. I have no idea.
But my comptuer is one month old. Had problems with the last one. And this worries me a bit.
the pic is a bit blurred but the top half seems to be from avast def folder. this sometimes happen when avast is doing a clean up in the def folder and you scan at the same time
if you reboot and scan again then those first errors should be gone…try that and report back
the MBAM quick scan, didn’t detect anything. So didn’t see the point in adding the attachment.
OTL logs are attached.
as is the other program. aswMBR.exe
Only one weird thing happened. During the first time the last program was scanning, I was talking just, for a very few minutes with someone, and when I looked back my computer had shut down, and restarted.
So I just did the scan again, and saved the log, as I wan’t able to save the log from the first time. Yet again, I don’t know if that is normal or not, so I tell you.