Clean system, avast! 6.0.1367 Free on Win7 x64. No other security programs etc.
Clean system, avast! 6.0.1367 Free on Win7 x64. No other security programs etc.
Download aswclear.exe on your desktop
Start Windows in Safe Mode
Open (execute) the uninstall utility
If you installed avast! in a different folder than the default, browse for it. (Note: Be careful! The content of any folder you choose will be deleted!)
Restart your computer
This is not a solution. Uninstaller should not give any errors. Especially since this one seems to happen regardless of the fact that system is a clean install.
Does it give this error repeatedly or just the once ? never recieved that error here on two win 7 64’s.
Do you have UAC turned on ? i dont use it myself, were all windows updates done before install and removal of avast if it was a clean system install ? to many questions, i know! ;D
Well, i’ve uninstalled it 3 times and each time i got an error. Reinstalled entire system clean and now i got the same error. So it clearly has to be something wrong with avast! considering the exact issue is carried over between clean system installations. Or a compatibility issue with some software. But since i use other programs for ages and there were never problems like this before i assume something changed in avast!..
Indeed. The uninstaller should work regardless any other program in the computer. By the way, this is the reason for the uninstaller to exist.
Please, upload (attach) the avast log:
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\setup.log
If the file is too big for the forum, post the last 400-500 lines of it.
Erm, just one problem. When you uninstall, all the data is gone as far as i know. I don’t think log files remain. Or do they?
Hi RejZor
I’ve seen that particular error on my computer too. I mentioned about that in another topic (Windows Event Log Error 6008)
If I remember correctly, I got that error first time when uninstalling the next beta version after 6.0.1203 (I don’t remember the version number) and I’ve got it a few times after that during uninstall in different versions. Not every time, though.
Just wanted to let you know.
Can someone tell me why i’m getting this error on every single uninstall? I was testing something and i reinstalled avast! like 5 times and on every uninstall i got this error. Not sure if numbers were exactly the same but i guess they were. Why is this happening?
I know some of these questions are basic ones for you, but the “DllRegisterServer” error seem to be related to some kind of permission not being granted, so the questions are related to that type of problem (as reboot, UAC, run as admin… are all part somehow related to permissions).
You mentioned this is a new system. Have you performed all Windows Updates before installing avast? Is there any update that you skipped or not applied yet (.NET, SP1, drivers, whatever)?
After you installed avast, and before the uninstall, have you rebooted in between?
When you download the setup.exe for avast, do you select properties → unblock?
When you install avast, do you use “right click → run as administrator” (and then reboot after the installation)?
Do you install / uninstall using a “common” Windows user account, or one that is part of the Administrator group?
After your first uninstall failed, have you tried aswclear under Windows Safe Mode (download it again)?
Sorry for the basic questions. My point is, try the very basic conservative steps in relation to releasing the dll and having the adequate permissions.
Regzor, if you try to repair the installation, does the error occur?
Any other application is crashing? Or recently installed?