Error while changing the product configuration when updating

I am getting a “There was an error while changing the product configuration” message when attempting to install the latest version (4.8.1290) of Avast over the previous version on an XP SP3 machine.

Avast is the only anti-virus that has ever been installed on this machine. I tried shutting down all services and disabling protection as well as all running processes but still get the same error.

I manually downloaded the setup file twice in case the download had become corrupted. I have a dial-up at home, so I always download from work, save to a usb stick and transfer it. I have been doing the same procedure for years each time a new version is released without a problem.

Before I try uninstalling, then reinstalling, thought I check to see if there was something I have overlooked.

Hi there,

I won’t be able to help you directly with your question since I am not an expert. However, Two things you should keep in mind. If you want help try to give a more detailed explanation. Are there other security programs on your computer. What are the other specs of your machine. Have you had problems with your computer recently? etc.

Also, and people may disagree with this, but this appears to be a separate thread and should be posted as such. But I think this doesn’t really matter that much so, never mind.

I am however curious to see the resolution of your problem since I also have a system that runs Win. XP SP3. I haven’t done the avast update for that one but am thinking of doing it sometime in the future.
NOTE: My day to day OS is Vista. The computer running XP is for backup purposes only (in case the other fails)

Have you downloaded the correct setup file? (I mean, the same language version as the one installed, the same type - Home/Pro)

Are there other security programs on your computer.
Yes and all disabled prior to attempting the install along with other running processes like I mentioned previously.
Have you downloaded the correct setup file?
Yes. English version of avast! Home Edition from

Do you have installed only english language or did you add some other languages?

Send me file setup.log from avast4\setup, I’ll check it.

Everything should be English only. I will look for the setup.log this evening after I get home from work.

Well, even having more than one language of avast installed, the update to 4.8.1290 worked in XP and Vista computers of mine… ???

I checked the setup.log and found this Return code entry:

18:23:09 min/gen  Started: 19.11.2008, 18:23:09
18:23:09 min/gen  Running setup_av_pro-50a (1290)
18:23:09 nrm/sys  Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 3.0 [Service Pack 3]
18:23:09 min/gen  Old version: 4cd (1229)

18:23:14 min/gen  Return code: 0x2000001A [The license key for this product is invalid or expired.
License is valid until: Saturday, November 01, 2008
Current date: Wednesday, November 19, 2008]
18:23:14 min/gen  Stopped: 19.11.2008, 18:23:14

I found that odd since I received a new key on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 5:40 pm which I entered that same day. Anyway I re-entered the license key and successfully updated via the program updater after borrowing a usb broadband airmodem.

Thanks to all for offering assistance.

Sometimes this error appears due to the antipiracy policy…

18:23:14 min/gen  Return code: 0x2000001A [The license key for this product is invalid or expired.

I’m getting the same message; how do I update the registration number if the program won’t start?

I suggest an installation from the scratch:

  1. Uninstall avast from Control Panel first.
  2. Boot.
  3. Download the latest version of Avast Uninstall and use it for complete uninstallation.
  4. Boot.
  5. Install again the latest avast! version.
  6. Boot.
  7. Check and post the results.