How many clients did you deploy already
How many have above mentioned problem
What have you tried already to solve, even something as small as a reboot is info…
System administration is part doing things you dont like because it doesnt work :S its not possible to be avoided…
if this problem is solved the way i mentioned in my post before then find a sollution to automate what i suggested…
As your manager would say: show some initiative
deleting registry keys… → vbs script / powershell script → login script → sitting on your own chair
deleting files… → vbs script / powershell script → login script → sitting on your own chair
deleting files… → win2k8 group policies → sitting on your own chair
just some examples
but first u need to know if its on all clients or just one client…
to implement my suggestion you still need to try it on one client tho…
Sorry to hijack the thread. I have EXACTLY the same Error (Windows 7 Professional). I have removed all entries from the registry and also cleared out Windows\Temp. Are there any other temporary files? So far, this suggestion didn’t work…
You could try generating an MSI file and applying that to group policy as well, but I assume it would throw the same error if the machines are stuck in a state where they think that the package is already trying to install.
Clearing the registry and temp files is the only way to get it back to a clean state so that the install can progress, such as WPN stated.
Well, the only way I could find around this (the customer generated MSI File did now work either) was to download and manualy install “avast! NetClient for ADNM” from here: