Error while installing Avast 5

I was installing Avast 5.0 on my Aunt’s computer and keep getting the same error. Have not been able to figure out what is wrong, I try looking in this forum, but could not find the same error. Sorry, if this has already come up before. Below is the setup log:

14.07.2010 07:42:09 general: Started: 14.07.2010, 07:42:09
14.07.2010 07:42:09 general: Running setup_ais-252 (594)
14.07.2010 07:42:09 system: Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 2.0 [Service Pack 2]
14.07.2010 07:42:09 system: Memory: 52% load. Phys:247244/523644K free, Page:1001232/1276448K free, Virt:2067932/2097024K free
14.07.2010 07:42:09 system: Computer WinName: SANDRAS
14.07.2010 07:42:09 system: Windows Net User: SANDRAS\sandra
14.07.2010 07:42:09 general: Cmdline: /sfx /sfxstorage “C:\DOCUME~1\sandra\LOCALS~1\” /srcpath “C:\DOCUME~1\sandra\MYDOCU~1\DOWNLO~1” /sfxname “setup_av_free”
14.07.2010 07:42:09 general: DldSrc set to sfx
14.07.2010 07:42:09 general: Old version: ffffffff (-1)
14.07.2010 07:42:09 registry: Deleted registry: Software\Alwil Software\Avast\5.0\UpdateReady
14.07.2010 07:42:09 general: Install check: SetupVersion does NOT exist
14.07.2010 07:42:09 general: SGW32AIS::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 0
14.07.2010 07:42:09 registry: Get registry: Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version=8.0.6001.18702
14.07.2010 07:42:09 general: Operation set to INST_OP_INSTALL
14.07.2010 07:42:09 general: GUID: 24fdce67-818a-47e6-98f7-351961f6dacd
14.07.2010 07:42:09 general: SelectCurrent: selected server ‘tmp sfx storage’ from ‘sfx’
14.07.2010 07:42:09 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
14.07.2010 07:42:09 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
14.07.2010 07:42:09 general: Changed Edition=1
14.07.2010 07:42:09 general: Entered SetupProcessAIS::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )
14.07.2010 07:42:09 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32Avast::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )
14.07.2010 07:42:09 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )
14.07.2010 07:42:09 general: Entered SetupProcess::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )
14.07.2010 07:42:15 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\sandra\LOCALS~1\\prod-ais.vpx
14.07.2010 07:42:15 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-a7 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 07:42:15 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog2 = jrog2-0 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 07:42:15 package: LoadPartInfo: program = prg_ais-252 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 07:42:15 package: LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_ais-252 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 07:42:15 package: LoadPartInfo: vps = vps_win32-10062800 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 07:42:15 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\sandra\LOCALS~1\\prod-ais.vpx ended with 00000000
14.07.2010 07:42:15 package: Part prg_ais-252 was set to be installed
14.07.2010 07:42:15 package: Part vps_win32-10062800 was set to be installed
14.07.2010 07:42:15 package: Part setup_ais-252 was set to be installed
14.07.2010 07:42:15 package: Part jrog-a7 was set to be installed
14.07.2010 07:42:15 package: Part jrog2-0 was set to be installed
14.07.2010 07:42:16 general: progress thread start
14.07.2010 07:42:21 internet: SYNCER: Agent=Syncer/5.00 (ais-594;p)
14.07.2010 07:42:21 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\sandra\LOCALS~1\\prod-ais.vpx
14.07.2010 07:42:21 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-a7 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 07:42:21 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog2 = jrog2-0 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 07:42:21 package: LoadPartInfo: program = prg_ais-252 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 07:42:21 package: LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_ais-252 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 07:42:21 package: LoadPartInfo: vps = vps_win32-10062800 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 07:42:21 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\sandra\LOCALS~1\\prod-ais.vpx ended with 00000000
14.07.2010 07:42:28 system: Uninstalling aswTdi.sys
14.07.2010 07:42:28 system: Stopping service aswTdi
14.07.2010 07:42:28 system: OpenSCManager
14.07.2010 07:42:28 system: OpenService
14.07.2010 07:42:28 system: OpenService, errcode: 0x00000424
14.07.2010 07:42:28 system: Service aswTdi stopped, errcode: 0x00000424
14.07.2010 07:42:28 registry: Deleted registry: Software\Alwil Software\Avast\5.0
14.07.2010 07:42:28 registry: Cannot open reg. key:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AvastUI.exe
14.07.2010 07:42:28 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-18, C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\NtUser.dat)
14.07.2010 07:42:28 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-19, C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\NtUser.dat)
14.07.2010 07:42:28 registry: Load registry hive ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION
14.07.2010 07:42:28 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-20, C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\NtUser.dat)
14.07.2010 07:42:28 registry: Load registry hive ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION
14.07.2010 07:42:28 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-21-4191820412-515276436-1394267866-1006, C:\Documents and Settings\sandra\NtUser.dat)
14.07.2010 07:42:28 registry: Load registry hive ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION
14.07.2010 07:42:28 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-21-4191820412-515276436-1394267866-1011, C:\Documents and Settings\sandra62kisses\NtUser.dat)
14.07.2010 07:42:28 registry: RegUnloadKey
14.07.2010 07:42:28 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-21-4191820412-515276436-1394267866-500, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\NtUser.dat)
14.07.2010 07:42:29 registry: RegUnloadKey
14.07.2010 07:42:29 package: Transferred: files 0, bytes 0, time 0 ms
14.07.2010 07:42:29 package: Retries: total 0, files 0, servers 1
14.07.2010 07:42:29 general: GetLicNumber: LoadLibrary( C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\ashBase.dll ) return value: 0x00000000
14.07.2010 07:42:29 general: DldSrc set to inet
14.07.2010 07:42:31 general: Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 326 (maintenance:0)
14.07.2010 07:42:31 general: SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download807 AVAST5 Server’ from ‘main’
14.07.2010 07:42:31 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
14.07.2010 07:42:31 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
14.07.2010 07:42:31 internet: Sending stats ‘’: 00000000 204
14.07.2010 07:42:31 file: NeedReboot=false
14.07.2010 07:42:31 general: Return code: 0x00000005 [Access is denied.]
14.07.2010 07:42:31 general: Stopped: 14.07.2010, 07:42:31

You’re missing XP SP3, why?
Error 5 (access is denied). Are you running with admin rights (seems yes by the name of the account)? Any other security program that could interfere? avast is not loading the registry also (sharing violation).

hmm, did not even notice this it did not have SP3. That is odd, that should have been updated by Autoupdate. Oh well, I’m updating it now. I already had checked the administrator privileges, and both accounts seem to be set as admins, but I am also unable to access the Program Files folder in My Computer. Do you have any suggestions about avast not loading the registry?

I suggest there is only one admin account and not two. Other users should be common ones, not admin.
I suggest an installation from scratch:

  1. Download the latest version of avast! Uninstall Utility and save it.
  2. Download the latest avast! version and save it.
  3. Uninstall avast from Control Panel (if possible). If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after that.
  4. Run the avast! Uninstall Utility saved on 1. If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after you’ve run it.
  5. Install avast! using the setup saved on 2. Boot.
  6. Register your free copy or add the license key for Pro.
  7. Check and post the results.

Tried what you said, and check everywhere to make sure no other copies of Avast or any other antivirus software where still on the computer, but still coming up with the same error.

14.07.2010 15:05:49 general: Started: 14.07.2010, 15:05:49
14.07.2010 15:05:49 general: Running setup_ais-252 (594)
14.07.2010 15:05:49 system: Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 3.0 [Service Pack 3]
14.07.2010 15:05:49 system: Memory: 69% load. Phys:159168/523644K free, Page:1011712/1277960K free, Virt:2067904/2097024K free
14.07.2010 15:05:49 system: Computer WinName: SANDRAS
14.07.2010 15:05:49 system: Windows Net User: SANDRAS\sandra
14.07.2010 15:05:49 general: Cmdline: /sfx /sfxstorage “C:\DOCUME~1\sandra\LOCALS~1\” /srcpath “C:\DOCUME~1\sandra\MYDOCU~1\DOWNLO~1” /sfxname “setup_av_free”
14.07.2010 15:05:49 general: DldSrc set to sfx
14.07.2010 15:05:49 general: Old version: ffffffff (-1)
14.07.2010 15:05:49 general: Install check: SetupVersion does NOT exist
14.07.2010 15:05:49 general: SGW32AIS::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 0
14.07.2010 15:05:49 registry: Get registry: Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version=8.0.6001.18702
14.07.2010 15:05:49 general: Operation set to INST_OP_INSTALL
14.07.2010 15:05:49 general: GUID: 95ddda27-c753-46af-84fa-b06d134ae670
14.07.2010 15:05:49 general: SelectCurrent: selected server ‘tmp sfx storage’ from ‘sfx’
14.07.2010 15:05:49 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
14.07.2010 15:05:49 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
14.07.2010 15:05:49 general: Changed Edition=1
14.07.2010 15:05:49 general: Entered SetupProcessAIS::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )
14.07.2010 15:05:49 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32Avast::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )
14.07.2010 15:05:49 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )
14.07.2010 15:05:49 general: Entered SetupProcess::Do( INST_OP_INSTALL )
14.07.2010 15:05:59 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\sandra\LOCALS~1\\prod-ais.vpx
14.07.2010 15:05:59 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-a7 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 15:05:59 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog2 = jrog2-0 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 15:05:59 package: LoadPartInfo: program = prg_ais-252 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 15:05:59 package: LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_ais-252 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 15:05:59 package: LoadPartInfo: vps = vps_win32-10062800 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 15:05:59 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\sandra\LOCALS~1\\prod-ais.vpx ended with 00000000
14.07.2010 15:05:59 package: Part prg_ais-252 was set to be installed
14.07.2010 15:05:59 package: Part vps_win32-10062800 was set to be installed
14.07.2010 15:05:59 package: Part setup_ais-252 was set to be installed
14.07.2010 15:05:59 package: Part jrog-a7 was set to be installed
14.07.2010 15:05:59 package: Part jrog2-0 was set to be installed
14.07.2010 15:05:59 general: progress thread start
14.07.2010 15:06:05 internet: SYNCER: Agent=Syncer/5.00 (ais-594;p)
14.07.2010 15:06:05 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\sandra\LOCALS~1\\prod-ais.vpx
14.07.2010 15:06:05 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-a7 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 15:06:05 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog2 = jrog2-0 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 15:06:05 package: LoadPartInfo: program = prg_ais-252 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 15:06:05 package: LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_ais-252 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 15:06:05 package: LoadPartInfo: vps = vps_win32-10062800 returned 00000000
14.07.2010 15:06:05 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\DOCUME~1\sandra\LOCALS~1\\prod-ais.vpx ended with 00000000
14.07.2010 15:06:13 system: Uninstalling aswTdi.sys
14.07.2010 15:06:13 system: Stopping service aswTdi
14.07.2010 15:06:13 system: OpenSCManager
14.07.2010 15:06:13 system: OpenService
14.07.2010 15:06:13 system: OpenService, errcode: 0x00000424
14.07.2010 15:06:13 system: Service aswTdi stopped, errcode: 0x00000424
14.07.2010 15:06:13 registry: Cannot open reg. key:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AvastUI.exe
14.07.2010 15:06:13 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-18, C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\NtUser.dat)
14.07.2010 15:06:13 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-19, C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\NtUser.dat)
14.07.2010 15:06:13 registry: Load registry hive ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION
14.07.2010 15:06:13 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-20, C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\NtUser.dat)
14.07.2010 15:06:13 registry: Load registry hive ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION
14.07.2010 15:06:13 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-21-4191820412-515276436-1394267866-1006, C:\Documents and Settings\sandra\NtUser.dat)
14.07.2010 15:06:13 registry: Load registry hive ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION
14.07.2010 15:06:13 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-21-4191820412-515276436-1394267866-1011, C:\Documents and Settings\sandra62kisses\NtUser.dat)
14.07.2010 15:06:14 registry: RegUnloadKey
14.07.2010 15:06:14 registry: RegLoadKey(HKEY_USERS, Av_S-1-5-21-4191820412-515276436-1394267866-500, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\NtUser.dat)
14.07.2010 15:06:14 registry: RegUnloadKey
14.07.2010 15:06:14 package: Transferred: files 0, bytes 0, time 0 ms
14.07.2010 15:06:14 package: Retries: total 0, files 0, servers 1
14.07.2010 15:06:14 general: GetLicNumber: LoadLibrary( C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\ashBase.dll ) return value: 0x00000000
14.07.2010 15:06:14 general: DldSrc set to inet
14.07.2010 15:06:17 general: Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 326 (maintenance:0)
14.07.2010 15:06:17 general: SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download600 AVAST5 Server’ from ‘main’
14.07.2010 15:06:17 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
14.07.2010 15:06:17 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
14.07.2010 15:06:18 internet: Sending stats ‘’: 00000000 204
14.07.2010 15:06:18 file: NeedReboot=false
14.07.2010 15:06:18 general: Return code: 0x00000005 [Access is denied.]
14.07.2010 15:06:18 general: Stopped: 14.07.2010, 15:06:18

Does anyone have any other suggestions for this problem? If not I am going to have to download a different antivirus software. Other then Avast! what would you suggest as a good antivirus software?

Sorry, can’t help further.
Hope avast team could.